Chapter 8

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“How the HELL did we end up Michigan!?” I cried, throwing my hands up in the air for emphasis.

James and I had been in the move none stop for the past 22 hours, and we’d somehow managed to end up in Michigan despite our original plan of going to Indiana, since it was close to Cincinnati. “Two bus rides and a lot of running” James replied smartly. I shot him the middle finger, my lack of sleep putting me in a very irritable mood.

“Come on, lets find a motel or something..” James said, covering his mouth as a yawn escaped.

“Good idea” I agreed, yawning myself.

Thankfully, James and I only had to walk fifteen minutes before we found a small little Motel stationed on the side of the road. “Looks clean enough..” James commented as we made our way towards it. A gust of warm air washed over our bodies as we opened the door and walked in. “Um, excuse me ma’am, can me and my sister rent a room?” James asked patiently to a middle aged woman, who in return looked up at him boredly and popped her gum loudly.

“How old are you?” she questioned.

“I’m only 16..” James admitted.

“You have to be 18 and older to rent a motel room” she informed him, popping her gum again.

“Violet” a voice heavy with age scowled. An elderly woman suddenly wobbled out from a room in the back, a frown on her face. “Its 21 degrees outside right now! Give these two kids a room” I froze, there was something…off… about this woman, but I ignored it.

“But we’re not allowed to rent rooms to minors” Violet scowled at the woman.

“This is my motel and I’ll do as I please, thank you very much” the elderly woman replied stubbornly, grabbing a pair of room keys “And besides, we’re not going to rent it to them, we’re going to give it to them for free”

“W-what?” Violet sputtered at the word free.

“No, that’s okay, we’ll pay” James rushed out.

“Nonsense!” the old woman cried, she walked over towards us, room keys in hand and began to usher us off towards a hallway “Come on, I’ll take you to your room”

“Really, its no problem, I can pay” James continued to rant on persistently.

“Nope, you heard Violet, it would be illegal for me to let you pay for a room” the old woman said, sticking her tongue out at Violet who gave her a scowl and a glare in return. The old woman stopped in front of a door and unlocked it. “Here’ya go” she smiled handing James the key.

“Thank you, very much” James said politely, smiling.

“Well what a nice surprise this is, a young boy with manors!” the woman gasped happily “And your welcome dears” with that she left, wobbling away towards the back of the room. “OH!” she cried, turning her body around at look at us “My names Cruella, by the way”

“I’m Emily, and that’s James..” I introduced us, saying something for the first time since we’d entered. Cruella smiled a knowing smile, as if she already knew our names and then disappeared into the back. Weird. I thought.

“Well, lets check the room out” James said to me, flicking on the lights.

The motel room, much to my surprise, resembled a cozy little apartment. Equipped with a tiny kitchen, small living room and three doors, two of which I was guessing lead to bedrooms and the other a bathroom. “I have to pee…” I said aloud, making my way towards one of the doors. Please be the bathroom! I thought as I opened it to reveal, yes! A bathroom!! I went inside and did my business, and when I came out, I saw James passed out cold on the couch, loud snores emitting from his mouth. He couldn’t have made it to one of the rooms? I thought, with a roll of my eyes before I went inside one of the bedrooms.

I collapsed onto the bed, the Snuggle laundry detergent wafting into my nose. It was White Lavender and Sandalwood scented. The same kind my mother used. Mom. My eyes which had been fluttering from open to close for the past minute, shot up. I dashed towards my satchel and dug up my cell phone, dialing Melinda’s cell phone number.

“please answer, please answer, please answer” I silently begged, my heart beating widely as I continued to hear ringing. Oh my god, what if they were caught!?? What if the Cincinnati werewolves were eating their arms off right now!??? Or cutting them up into tiny little pieces and were making shish kabob out of them!? Or what if-

“Hello?” Melinda’s voice rang in my ear.

“MEL!!” I cried happily, relief pouring into every word.

“Is that Emily!?” I heard mom’s voice ask.


“Give me the phone!”


“Emily!? Sweetheart, are you ok!??” mom asked, sounding just as scared as I had been.

“Yeah” I told her.

“Thank god” she sighed “Were are you and your brother?”

“Some motel in Michigan” I told her warily, knowing her distaste for motels. “I think its called Keypress Flower Motel…or something like that” I told her, struggling to remember the name. All I heard was dead silence from the other end of the phone. “Mom?”

“Cypress Flower Motel?” she asked in a stone cold voice.

“Yeah, that’s it! Have you been here before?” I asked curiously, then yawned. I was starting to get really sleepy.

“Emily, you have to get out of there! Now!” mom said, panic taking over her voice.

“What? Why?” I asked, confused and a little bit upset. I was so tired, I just wanted to sleep.

“Emily, you have to leave now!” mom cried.

“But.. I’m soo tired..” I yawned, feeling myself swaying slightly.

“Emily, DO NOT go to sleep! You need to get your brother and get out of there!!” she screamed.

“We’ll leave first thing in the morning..” I yawned, my eyes slowly drifting closed.

“Emily! No!!” mom screamed from the other end of the phone.

“Night mom” I told her, before resting my head on the pillow and slowly drifting off to the land of sleep.

“Emily! Please!! Wake up!!” was the last thing I heard my mother say before I was out cold, light snores coming out from my parted lips.

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