Chapter 35

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Jackson said nothing as I broke out into a fit of tears- instead he gathered me back up into his arms and buried his face into the crook of my neck. Seeing me like this was making him miserable and this fact just fueled my own misery. God- I was such a terrible person! “Emily, sweetheart, do you- do you want anything?” my grandmothers voice piped up gently. Want anything- why would I want anything? Oh god. Another strangled cry erupted from my throat as I realized she was asking if I wanted pain killers for cramps no doubt. She knew I was on my period- and probably so did everyone else in the kitchen. 

I truly wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and die at this moment. Jackson, seeming to have caught on to this did the next best thing that he could do asides from killing me. He rose up onto his feet, rearranging me so that I was being carried bridal style in his arms and walked out of the kitchen and back up into the privacy and safety of the guest bedroom. 

He sat down on the bed with me still curled up and crying like a banshee; he never once said anything, he just rocked me back and forth in his arms waiting patiently for my cries to die down on their own. Finally, when my cries had been reduced to nothing more than sniffles and small whimpers he spoke “Better?” I weakly shook my head no. “What can I do then?” my face scrunched up as I tried my best to stop myself from crying again- Jackson was so sweet when it came to me and it only fueled the guilt I held for sticking my ‘soul-mate’ off into the friend zone. 

“I’m so-sorry” I hiccupped, bursting out into another fit of tears. I’d never been this emotional during my period before and I couldn’t help but think that my werewolf hormones were playing a large role in that. 

Jackson hugged me more tightly against him at my outburst “Why are you apologizing?” he asked me with a small frown. I tried to explain but the only sounds I could make were mangled cries and soon enough I gave up and buried my face into his chest. 

As a child I remembered Melinda teasing me about my face whenever I cried, soon enough I’d picked up the habit of hiding whenever I broke out into a fit of tears- not wanting anyone to see me, to push me down ever further than I already was; the habit had followed me into my teen years - the last time I’d cried in front of my parents had been when I was eight and had broken my arm falling off the monkey bars, but yet, here I was, bursting out into tears in front of people that I’d barely known for more than a few days! There was so much wrong with all of this but as much as I hated to admit it I felt almost- safe, tucked away in Jackson’s arms. Like nothing and no one would harm or make fun of me and if they tried Jackson would simply beat the crap out of them. 

“Emily! I need your he- oh…hey” My head darted over towards my door where Violet now stood. 

“Violet?” I hiccupped, staring at the witch with confusion while Jackson let out a series of vicious growls at the unknown threat. 

“Emily- can you calm down your hound?” Violet asked a bit nervously, pressing herself against the back of the door. I looked up at Jackson, studying him for a moment- his pupils had dilated and specs of gold flickered across his grey orbs adding to the already crazed look in his eyes; I was pretty sure that if Violet even dared move anywhere near me Jackson would have his hand around her neck in a matter of seconds. 

“It- its okay” I said to him “Violet’s my friend” Jackson’s eyes flicker over towards my face his gaze searching for any sign that I was lying; finding none he relaxed slightly, but still kept an eye on Violet. “not that I’m not glad to see you” I said to her, wiping away the tear streaks from my cheek, my previous emotions locked back away as I focused on Violet “but what are you doing here?” 

“I need your help” Violet answered moving towards me but at the action Jackson growled. It didn’t matter if she was my friend or not, he didn’t trust her.

“With what? Its not Cruella is it?” I asked my stomach dropping slightly as I thought about the witch. 

“No- nothing like that” Violet spoke, shaking her head “I need your blood- for a healing potion” Jackson’s hold tightened on me at this confession. 

My blood? “Why do you need my blood?” I question, going slightly queasy at the thought of her drawing blood out from me; I absolutely hating getting my blood taken. 

“Werewolf blood has special healing properties” she rushed out “Emily please, I promise I’ll give you anything for-”

“Whose it for?” I questioned, my gaze softening on the witch as I took note of the desperation in her voice. Whoever this potion was for she must’ve really cared about them to come begging me for blood- from what little I knew of violet she seemed like a rather prideful person who would sooner use force to get something than begging. 

“A friend” she said a little to quickly, her cheeks turning pink. A Cheshire cat worthy smile spread across my lips. 

“Your in love!” I accused with a girlish squeal; I tried to squirm my way out of Jackson’s grip so that I could walk over to Violet but he held me firmly in place. 

“Oh- look whose talking!” Violet stuttered out her face turning beet red. 

“So you admit it!” I cried out giddily. 

“Oh for heavens sake- can I have some blood already? I’m in a bit of a pinch for time!” 

“Fine- but only a little bit” I informed her, unconsciously leaning back into Jackson. 

“I just need a few drops” Violet informed me, digging into her pockets and pulling out a small vial in one hand and a sowing needle in the other. She motioned for me to hold out my hand and I obeyed “hold this will you?” she asked, handing the vial into my other. I could feel Jackson had tensed considerably at how close Violet was to me no, but thankfully, he was trying his best to keep himself in check. “just one little-” I let out a squeak as the needle pricked my skin and a blot of blood bubbled up onto the surface of my finger. “pinch” Violet smiled while Jackson growled; Violet grabbed the vial and turned my finger over so that the blood dripped into it. She gave my finger a few squeezes so that more blood would come out and after a couple more drops she let go, covering the vial shut with a small cork. I brought the finger into my mouth, sucking on the wound for a few seconds until I could taste no more blood. “thank you so much” Violet gushed, pocketing the vial. 

“Good luck” I told her as she backed away from us, getting herself ready to leave; Violet shot me a warm smile and another thank you before vanishing in a flash of purple light. 

“Do I get to hear the back story to how you became friends with a witch?” Jackson asked me. 

“Will I get chocolate if I tell you?” I questioned, a sudden craving for the sweet treat overtaking me. Jackson let out a small sigh, placing me down onto the bed next to him. 

Getting up he turned to me and said “give me a few minutes to get the chocolate” before turning to leave. WHOOP! Chocolate! 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2013 ⏰

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