Chapter 10

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“…well.. We were just..” Violet tried to muster up an explanation for this but drew blank.

“Violets, Violet, Violet” Cruella tsked, walking towards us “Have you forgotten, that you work for me?” Violet shot the old woman a nasty glare, hatred and anger oozing out of her body. “Now, help me lock the children back up in their room” Cruella ordered, Violets body tensed up and her legs and arms began to move jerkily, it reminded me of a puppet on a string.

Cruella was the puppet master and poor Violet was the puppet, no longer in control of her own body. “Guys, run!” Violet forced out.

“Were not leaving y-” James started to say, but was cut off by a screaming Violet.

“I SAID RUN!!” the look in her eyes told us there was no room for argument. Regretfully, we did as she said and ran.

Suddenly, a whooshing sound filled the air and before I could understand what was happening, something thick and slimy latched itself around my leg and pulled me head first towards the ground. My teeth clamped down shut on my tongue, wounding it and releasing a stream of blood into my mouth. “LET GO!” James cried, I looked up to see him battling off what looked like a tentacle from his own legs. James! I dug my nails into the carpeted floor and began to kick. An in-human screech filled the air and my foot connected with something squishy, my leg was suddenly released from its grasp and I scrambled up, turning around to see my captor.

In front of Cruella and Violet sat a giant octopus. The octopus’s narrowed eyes regarded me with anger, most likely mad at me for kicking it. I’m gonna die. Was the first thought my mind registered. I was going to be killed by a god damn octopus! A magical octopus never the less!! You couldn’t have a least given me a normal death, god? Wait…normal. My mind finally registered something at the word normal. I wasn’t normal. I was a werewolf. A WEREWOLF! I could fight this thing, any maybe even win.

Come on Emily, you can do this! I grabbed the closet thing towards me, which happened to be a table and ripped off one of the legs. “LET GO OF MY BROTHER!” I called towards the octopus before I staked the wood right through the leg of the tentacle that was holding onto him, green blood gushing out everywhere. The creature cried out in pain, pulling back its tentacle and cradling it against his body. Or head. “Come on!” I told James, pulling him up. We both ran towards the exit, our hearts beating a mile a minute. We made it to the door in a matter of seconds, and for a moment, relief filled me.

“It won’t open!” James cried as he pulled on the door. Once again, fear over took me. I looked behind us towards the hallway to see the octopuses tentacles appear, as they latched onto the corner, pulling its body forward, closer towards us. I frantically looked around for an escape. There was none.

“Try breaking it!” I told him. James’s fist collided with the glass, sending it flying everywhere. Yes! I thought triumphantly, but then the glass closed itself back up within a matter of seconds. You’re fucking kidding me! “The backroom” I told James, seeing it as our only option at this point. We both hurtled over the desk and darted into the back room, locking the door behind us.

“Holy Crap” we said in unison as we glanced around. The room was filled with strange caged animals , most of which didn’t even look natural, and in the far right corner stood a small study that was surround with shelves that were chock full of strange items.

“Is that a frog?” James asked, eyes wide as we passed by what looked like a frog with the body of a snake and legs of a chicken. Needless to say, it was a gross sight.

“Lets go over there” I said, making my way towards the small study area in hopes we could find something useful there.  

“Hey, cool!” James cried, picking up a small dagger that was covered in detailed wolf designs. James twirled it around between his fingers expertly, grinning “This thing is so cool”

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