Chapter 15

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He was lying. I knew the moment the words came out from his mouth, but I played along anyway, and pretended like I believe this red- eyed liar. “Great” I said, plastering on a fake smile. “Could I have the envelop back? I put a few pictures of mine inside for safe-keeping” I quickly rushed out as I noticed the man moving to put the envelope into his pocket.

“Oh..” the man seemed surprised and uncertain for a few seconds, before he quickly regained his cool composure “Sure” he looked at the address on the paper for a fleeting second before returning it back to me.

“Thanks” I told him, placing the envelope in my pocket. “Do you think I could see my brother?” the man stared at me confused for a moment before realization dawned on his face.

“Oh, you mean James” the man said.

“Yeah, who else would I mean?” I frowned, staring up at him with questioning eyes.

“Never mind” the man said, frowning himself “come on” I quickly stuffed all my things back into my bag before following the man out the door. I found myself taken back as I stepped out from the room, my eyes bulging as I stared down at the ridiculously long hallway that stood before me.

“This place is an old castle” the man said, noticing my reaction.

“Its really big..” was all I could say.

“Castles usually are, you know” the man snickered, and I suppressed the scowl that my mouth desperately wanted to sink into.

“So, where’s my brother?” I asked again.

“Down over here” the man continued to walk further down the hallway, and I followed after him, my mind slightly dizzied by the number of doors we passed by.

“Why do they have letters?” I asked curiously as I noticed all the doors we passed by began with the letter I and then a number. I could understand why they were labeled with numbers, but my mind failed to find a purpose for the letters.

“The I stands for infirmary” the man explained to me.

“Are all the rooms labeled like this?” I questioned, the man nodded.

“Rooms that begin with A, or B are used as regular old bedrooms, T rooms are for training and etcetera” he looked at me “Don’t worry, I have maps of the castle on hand for new arrivals” I nodded and we spent the rest of the walk in silence. “He’s in I91” he finally said when we made it to the end of the hallway. I quickly scanned the door numbers before hesitantly knocking on the with I91 labeled on it.

“Yeah..?” James’s voice groggily replied. Having confirmed that James was in here, I opened up the door an entered.

“Hey” I said to James who was laying across his bed with his face hanging off the edge and dangling right above a trashcan.

“Are you another nurse?” James asked, not bothering to look up.

“No, I’m not old enough and plus being a nurse would give my dumbass of a brother an excuse to get hurt all the time” I said with a sly grin.

“That’s nice” James tiredly replied, still not bothering to look up. I let out a sigh, seeing I was going to have to get his attention the hard way.

“Hey, dumbass, look up!” I ordered as I hopped up onto his bed and began to jump around.

“STOP IT!” James hollered angrily as he sat up, and before I could understand what was happening I was falling face first towards the ground.

My jaw hit the ground first, snapping my mouth close and causing me to bite down on my tongue and the insides of my cheek. The taste of blood filled my mouth and my mind flashed back to the dream I’d had this morning. “Emily, you ok?” the red eyed man said, rushing to my side. I shook my head no and spit out all the blood that had filled inside my mouth.

“I Bith Miay Thunge” I managed to choke out.

“I think there’s something in the bathroom for this..” the red eyed man said, darting towards a door on the right wall of James’s room. I could hear the sound of him rummaging through things before he came back with a bottle full of neon pink, and slushy liquid.

“Wafth iz tha?” I asked my eyes bulging slightly, my stomach already turning in disgust at the thought of drinking the pink substance.

“Drink this” the man ordered, not giving me much of a choice as he pulled my head back and poured the slushy liquid down my throat.

There was only one word to describe the neon pink substance. Revolting. The liquid wasn’t slushy it was slimy and tasted like spoiled fish and worst of all made my tongue feel like it was burning. Out of reflex I tried to gag the substance back up and out of my mouth, but the man quickly covered my mouth with his hand, forcing me to swallow. “EWWEHH!!” I cried as the man pulled his hand away, trying to spit out the lingering taste of the substance from my mouth. “What the hell was that!??”

“It heals minor mouth and nose wounds” the man told me, and the moment he said it out loud I realized my tongue no longer hurt.

“First blue fairy dust and now magical neon pink mashed fish. Who the heck comes up with this stuff??” I thought out loud.

“Its actually made up of unicorn horns and dragon sc…” he trailed off as he took in my horrified look.

“You made me EAT A UNICORN!???” I cried completely horror-struck. I’d just eaten the magical beast I use to daydream about as a child, non the less to say this would forever traumatize me.

“Unicorn horn” the man corrected “And you technically drank it, and its not that big a deal, they just take off the top part of the horn and the thing re-grows itself in a matter of minutes. Doesn’t even hurt them” to be honest, I’d completely blocked out half of what he’d said.

“I think I’m gonna hurl” I choked, dashing towards a sliding glass door that lead straight into a yard. I hurriedly opened up the doors, and before I could even step out into the yard I found myself crouched over and spewing out neon pink vomit.

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