Chapter 7

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“Okay, were the fuck are the cameras!?” James laughed as he looked around the empty room.

“James, I’m being serious” dad scowled.


“James, I’m telling you the truth” dad said, begging for James to see he wasn’t lying.

“Last time I checked dad, WEREWOLVES DON’T EXIST!” James snapped at him, no longer finding the situation amusing.

“Well they do! and two of them are after you right now because you two are technically rogues, and the pack in charge of Cincinnati doesn’t take to kindly to rogues” dad snapped at James.

 “Rogues?” I questioned. I found myself willing to believe this, the possibly I was a werewolf.

“They’re werewolves that aren’t apart of any pack, they keep to themselves mainly and most of them live out in the woods, they’re very dangerous” dad explained to me.

“How long did it take you to come up with that?” James asked uncouthly. Dad scowled, but then sighed in defeat knowing he wouldn’t be able to convince James.

“I’m just wasting time here” dad scowled “Your not going to believe me, not until you see it..” dad grabbed a piece of paper from his pocket and scribbled down something on the blank side of it with his ‘lucky’ keychain pen. “Here” dad said, handing it to me along with the ‘emergencies only’ debit card.

“dad, what is this?” I asked, motioning towards the address he had scribbled down on the paper.

“That’s where I want you and James to go” he told me.

“But this is all the way in Montana!” I gasped eyes wide.

“James is old enough to buy plane tickets” dad said.

 “You’re crazy..” James told dad, shock registering in his eyes.

“James, listen to me” dad said, resting both his hands on James’s shoulder and making him look up into his eyes “I need you to get you and your sister out of here and onto the next plane to Montana”

“You’re crazy” James repeated, shaking his head.

“Thought you could get away, huh?” someone snarled. I whipped around to see the two boys standing there in the doorway. Blocking our only exit.

“Shit” dad swore.

“We didn’t do anything, please, just let us go” I found myself begging.

“No rogues allowed on Vulcan territory” one of them spat at me. James’s eyes went wide at the word rogues, starting to realize the possibility that dad had been telling the truth.

“We didn’t know…” I said in a tiny voice.

“Yeah, sure you didn’t” one of them snorted.

“You two are coming with us” the other stated, moving to grab my arm.

“DON’T TOUCH HER” James growled, his voice boomed with so much power that the boy actually listened and flinched his hand away from me. I found myself backing away towards James who pushed me behind him the moment I was within his reach. “Move out of the way before I rip your fucking throats out” he threatened, the two boys stood there, in front of the door, unsure whether to listen to James or not. “I SAID MOVE!” the boys scrambled out of our way, afraid now. How quickly the tables can turn. I thought.

The three of us quickly made our way out. “They called for help..” dad said once we were far enough away.

“What?” I asked.

“The boys called for backup” dad repeated.

“I didn’t hear them say any-”

“Werewolves can communicate the way all animals do, mentally” dad explained. This was to weird. “I need you two to start running towards the exit the moment we pass that sign” dad suddenly said.

“What?” James was the one who said it this time.

“You need get to the nearest bus or airport and I need to go get your mother and sister and bring them back home” dad said.

“How come we can’t go with you?” I asked, confused. “Why do we have to go to Montana? Why can’t you come with us??” the question buzzed endlessly around in my head.

“I’m human, and Melinda and your mother are two, it’d be to dangerous for us to go with you and beside, we’d slow you down” dad said. We were nearing the sign.

“How do you know Melinda’s not a werewolf too?” James asked.

“Because she already turned 18, all werewolves shift before their 18 birthday” dad answered.

“Why do we have to go to Montana?” I asked, the sign was only a few seconds of walking away.

“You’ll see why” was all he said. Both James and him exchanged a look before we came up to the sign. They held it for only a second before James grabbed my arm and took off running towards the exit with me in tow.

“BE CAREFUL!” dad called after us before he took off himself to find Melinda and mom. I made a mental note to call them later, to make sure they’d gotten away safely.

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