Chapter 13

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*Emily’s POV*

I felt uneasy as James and I ran to Bridgerook. The same part of me that had given me the uneasy feeling about Cruella, was telling me that something bad was going to happen. “Dude, I have to pee” James suddenly blurted, skidding to a stop.

“What?” I asked skidding to stop “Why didn’t you go back at the restaurant?” I found myself scowling at him.

“Because I didn’t have to go back then” he replied childishly back at me, I let out and irritated sigh at him and looked around. There was nothing but trees, bushes, and hills for miles around.

“Looks like your going to have to go pee on a tree or something” I told him as I took another glance around our surroundings.

“Fine, I’m gonna go mark my territory on that tree then” James said, earning a snort of laughter from me. James disappeared behind a thicket, leaving me standing alone on the side of the road. I shifted uneasily from one foot to another, casting another glance around me.

“James, are you done yet?” I called loudly at him.

“Don’t rush me woman!” James cried back. I waited quietly for a minute. Then another minute. And another.

“James! Are you DONE NOW?” I called to him, I received no answer which made me frown. “James!” I called, warily going into the thicket. “JAMES!” I stepped further into the woods, uneasiness flooding over me. “Jam-” Crack. I whipped around at the sound just in time to see two large hands shooting towards me. I quickly ducked, narrowly avoiding them, and my hand instinctively curled up into a fist and caught my attacked right in their jaw.

“Son of a-” I gave my attacker a hard kick in their side, sending them tumbling towards the ground. “BITCH!” he cried, clutching his side.

“Where’s my brother!?” I demanded, he just glared venomously at me. “I said, whe-” something hard hit me in the back of the head, dotting my vision with black spots.

“Looks like we caught us some rogues” was the last thing I heard before the whole world went black.


My head hurt. That was the first thing I could register as I fluttered my eyes open. The next thing I registered was that there was some sort of liquid rolling down the side of my face. My hands automatically reached up to touch it, and I brought it down to my eyes to examine it, but all I saw was darkness. I can’t see, why can’t I see? I thought panickedly. And where am I? “James?” I called out when all I could remember came back as a blurry, illegible picture.

“Emily?” was his painfully groaned reply.

“James, are you ok??” I asked, searching around for him through the thick darkness that surrounded me. Dammit, I wish I could see. I thought bitterly. God must’ve heard me because suddenly my vision changed and things started to glow and take form.

Anything and everything that gave off heat had a faint glow to it, while the rest was just a dully colored form. I have night vision, I realized with muted shock “James!” I cried as I saw the glowing form of my brother.

“Em?” he grunted, squinting into the darkness.

“I’m here” I said, crawling over towards him and resting a hand on his shoulder.

“Why can’t I see?” James asked, rubbing his eyes.

“You’re night vision should kick in soon” I told him.

“Night vision?” James asked, but then suddenly his eyes changed. The white of his eyes was replaced with the liquid blue color of his iris with unfamiliar mottles of gold, and his pupil had dilated slightly. Did my eyes look like that too? “Cool” James grinned at his newfound ability. “Where are we?” the grin had gone from his face as he’d looked around.

“A cage, I think” I replied, examining my surroundings for the first time. Yes, it was defiantly a cage, I concluded as I saw the iron bars.

“Look whose awake” a voice chuckled, my eyes darted up towards the owner of the voice. At the top of a set of steep stairs stood a large figure that was slowly making its way down towards us. My eyes zoomed in on the figure. He was male. I thought as I took in the strong jaw, stubbly chin, and buzz cut hair. James let out a threatening growl at the sight of the man, and moved to get up, but quickly lost his balance and stumbled back to the floor.

“James!” I cried, shaking his shoulders when he didn’t respond. “What’s wrong with him!?” I placed the back of my hand against his forehead, and the skin underneath was burning hot.

“He’s going to change soon” the man observed casually, as if this were a normal sight.

“Change?” I couldn’t help but question, the man frowned at me in the same way my teachers did when I didn’t know the answer to a question they thought I should’ve known.

“Think about it for a second little miss she-wolf” the man said, a little light bulb went up in my head at the name she-wolf, and I suddenly felt stupid for not understanding what he meant by change. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what a werewolf changes into to.

“Oh” I said, feeling slightly humiliated.

“And I thought blondes were suppose to be the dumb ones” the man snorted, I held back a scowl at the rude comment.

“Why are me and my brother here?” I scowled at him.

“I believe the correct grammar is ‘why are my brother and I here’, little miss she-wolf” the man replied smartly “and to answer that question, you two are here because you were trespassing on Nakoma Pack territory”

“I wasn’t trespassing!” the words came out from pure frustration.

“Oh, you weren’t, then what were you doing?” the man asked, with mock curiosity.

“I’m here visiting someone” I told him.

“Oh really? Who?” he didn’t believe me, I could tell just by the tone of his voice.

“Family” I told him, because it made sense that the address dad gave us belonged to someone in our family.

“We’ll lucky for you, I know everyone in the Nakoma Pack, and I can verify by your sent if any of them are related to you” he said. Crap. I mentally swore because he thought I was visiting someone in his pack, not just a random person in Montana.

The man leaned over into the cage, just enough so that his nose poked through the bars and sniffed. He suddenly paused, and sniffed again, his eyes widening. “Fuck” he swore, his eyes as large as saucepans “You two, stay right here” he ordered, which was possibly the stupidest thing he could’ve said seeing as we were both locked in a cage. “I’ll be right back” the man darted up the stairs and out the door, closing it shut behind him and leaving James and I in total darkness.

“We’re going to die..” I silently whimpered to myself, thankful that James couldn’t hear me. I clutched the pendant that was tucked away underneath my shirt and silently prayed for a miracle.

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