Chapter 3

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“Em, wake up” I could hear someone say.

“No” I mumbled still half asleep.

“Wake up!” They screamed this time, I jumped up and my body somehow became tangled up in the blanket, which caused me to fall hard to the ground. “OhMyGod! Sorry” they said.

“Its ok” I yawned, I kicked away the blankets and got up, Mel was standing in front of me wearing skinny jeans, a long sleeved stripped shirt, with a matching hot pink nylon puffer vest and lace up boots. Her hair was in its usual perfect blonde ringlets.

“Dad said to hurry up and get dressed” she informed me.

“Why?” I asked, looking up at the clock. It read 11:45 am.

“He’s taking us to see James at the hospital” she explained to me, before she left the room.

Ten minutes later I was darting down the stair dressed in a pair of dark skinny jeans a long sleeved white shirt my Burberry pack-away parka and white canvas lace-up boots,

my hair pulled back into a messy bun.

“Finally, lets go!” Mel said throwing her arms up in the air, as she opened the front door and started walking towards the mini van.

“Ow” dad grumbled, rubbing his face, as the door had hit him in the face.

“You ok?” I asked as dad rubbed his now red nose, he nodded mumbling something unintelligible and followed me out the door. Dad unlocked the car and we all quickly piled in, Mel and dad in the front me in the back.

“Remember not to bother James to much” dad said to us as he backed out of the driveway, Mel and I both nodded. We drove the rest of the way to the hospital in silence.

“I think I see the hospital” I said excitedly, I practically jumped off my seat. Dad made a left turn in the parking lot and found a parking spot right in front of the hospital, I scrambled out of the car and darted into the hospital at the speed that had won me first place in my last track meet.

“Um, excuse me??” I said, skidding to a stop in front of a woman who sat behind a desk shuffling around papers.

“Yes?” she asked in a nasally voice.

“Do you know where a Mr. James Smith is??” I asked, then though to add “I’m his sister”

“The young boy that came in last night?” she asked, I nodded. “He’s in room 350, that’s up on the floor above us” with this information, I gave her a quick thanks and darted for the elevator. I impatiently pressed on the up button, silently cursing the elevator for not moving faster. After what felt like and eternity the doors finally slid open and I wasted no time in darting in and pressing the button for James’s floor.

“Hold the door please!” Someone cried, I swiftly stopped the door with my foot and watched as a man slid in. “Thank you” he smiled at me.

“No prob” I said, smiling back “What floor?”

“5th floor” he told me, and I pressed the button for it. “So who are you hear for?” the man asked, trying to make small chit chat.

“My brother” I answered “What about you?”

“My wife” he answered.

“What’s her name?” I asked him curiously.

“Lily” he said with a small smile. The elevator door slid open with a metallic creak.

“Well then” I said as I stepped out onto my floor “I hope Lily gets better then” with those words I dashed for James’s room. 350, 350, 350. I repeated in my head as I searched for the room number. There it is!!! I pushed open the door and scrambled in.

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