Chapter 33

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*Emily’s POV* 

He followed me- of course. I thought letting out a sigh as I spotted a tail poking out from behind the foliage of some bushes. Using the back of my hand I wiped away at the damp tear streaks on my cheeks before going over to confront Jackson. “I can see your tail you know”  I mumble as I advance towards Jackson’s hiding spot. 

The tail is pulled back behind the bushes the moment Jackson hears me; he stays hidden for a moment, perhaps thinking that I would forget he was there if I could no longer see him but soon it dawns on him that his plan wasn’t going to work. Jackson rises up from  behind the bushes, offering me up a small apologetic whine. “I’m not mad, don’t worry” I mumble to him, surprising myself by how calm I was at the moment. It seemed like I’d worked all my anger out during my little fit, leaving me feeling mellow and slightly drained. I sit down Indian style on the ground and being to pick at a small strand of grass “sorry about earlier” I apologize after a moment of silence. 

Letting out a small whine in reply Jackson comes to lay down besides me, resting his head on my lap. I play with the strand of grass for a while until finally I grow bored with it and pluck it out from the ground, crumpling it with my fingers before letting it fall back down onto the ground. My hands soon find their way into Jackson’s fur, twiddling the silk soft strands in-between my fingers.  

Jackson lets out a long sigh, turning over so that he’s now laying down on his side. Someone’s sure made themselves comfortable. I think with a small eye roll, but nonetheless, I continue running my hands through his fur. His ears twitching. I notice, my eyes fixating on their faint movements, impulsively my hands move up to the top of his head, pulling his ears down against his head; in response to this Jackson’s let out a small while which escalates into a growl when I pull at his ears again. I giggle in response to his threat, feeling very reassured at the fact that he would never hurt me. ‘Stop pulling at my ears!’ he whines out, breaking his vow of silence when I begin to pull his ears closer towards each other. 

“Why?” I drawl out the word, holding back a giggle. Jackson, reassured that I wouldn’t get upset if he spoke answered back. 

‘Because if you don’t I’ll slobber all over your face’ he threatens; I can’t help it, I pull at his ears again and then quickly try to block my face from Jackson’s slobbery tongue- but I fail and soon the entire left side of my face is wet with wolf spit. 

“Ewww” I try to sound mad but I can’t help the bubbles of laughter that come out from me. 

‘I warned you’ Jackson says, then catching me off my guard he licks the other half of my face. I let out a grumble of profanities at him at the act, earning a wolfish laugh in return from Jackson. 

Jaaaaaaackssoooooooooon!!!’ I can hear a voice cry out and in a matter of seconds I see a blur of brown advancing its way towards us. Jackson quickly moves us out of the way and the brown blur rushes past us, colliding into a tree. ‘Ow’ Grady whines as he stares up quizzically at the tree. 

‘You could’ve hurt Emily you idiot’ Jackson fumes, bearing his canines angrily. 

Grady’s head tilts to the side, his gaze curiously sweeping over Jackson and finally landing on me. ‘Emily!’ he beams, his tail beginning to wag a mile a minute ‘I have the most best and most exciting news EVER!!!’ at this point Grady had gotten up onto his feet, doing a strange little dance as he stood in place before us. 

“What is it?” I ask unable to hold back a smile as his sheer enthusiasm. 

‘I meet my soul-mate!’ he tells us in a sing song voice, his mouth spreading into a toothy grin. 

Surprised flashes through Jackson’s eyes for a moment before he responds ‘Really?’ he confirms and Grady bobs his head up in down in reply. 

‘I was out on my morning run and I saw someone cross over into the territory so I went to see who is was and it was her! My mate!’ Grady explains excitedly, letting out a joyous bark. 

‘Where is she?’ Jackson asks curiously giving our surroundings a quick look. 

‘She had to go back to her clan’ Grady sighs, a woeful expression overcoming his face. 

Jackson’s ears raise in alarm for a moment ‘Clan?’ he repeats. 

‘Oh yeah- I forgot to mention, she’s an elf’ Grady explains, a gleam of happiness flashing through his eyes as he spoke about her. You’ve got to be kidding me- ELVES were real to!? ‘Do guys wanna come with me tomorrow to meet her!?’ 

Jackson’s gaze turned towards me expectantly, waiting to see what my reply was. “Um..sure” I agreed a bit hesitantly- my track record when it came to first introductions with new ‘species’ had proven to be rather shaky one and I found myself nervous to meet the elf. In response to my own answer Jackson agreed on going as well. 

Grady let out another happy bark before shooting off like a rocket in the direction of the cabin- no doubt to tell the rest of the gang of his exciting news. ‘Porter’s going to have a fit when he hears’ Jackson chuckled. I could image why- his friends had abandoned him to live the life of a single male all alone. ‘You don’t have to go if you don’t want to’ Jackson spoke suddenly, staring at me with a soft expression. 

“What?” I blinked, unsure of what he was talking about. 

‘When Grady asked you to go and meet the elf- you got nervous’ Jackson explained, had he really picked up on that? ‘if you don’t want to go you don’t have to’  

“No- its okay” I spoke, adding in a small smile for reassurance. By the look on Jackson’s face it didn’t seem like he believe me but despite his doubt he nodded. “We should head back” 

‘Yeah…I guess’ Jackson reluctantly agreed. It was obvious he didn’t want to go back and the reason why was what made my cheeks heat up into a rosy pink. Awkwardly, I got up, dusting the dirt off from my pants and shirt. 

“Lead the way” I say with a small smile-  despite having made my way here I had a very vague idea on how exactly to get back to the cabin. 

Jackson nods again and begins to walk off in the same direction Grady had taken off in. I guess he’s back to not talking. I note, a frown finding its way onto my face. Well, this was what you wanted. I remind myself, then with a solemn sigh I think to myself- yeah, it was. 

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