Chapter 11

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“What do you think it is?” I asked, poking at the yellow slush that sat on my plate.

“I think that’s the Eggs Benedict you ordered..” James said, staring suspiciously at the food. James and I had both stopped at the closest dinner we could find, not caring about the dingy appearance of the place since our stomachs’ had started to sound like roaring lions from the lack of food in them.

“Can you taste it for me?” I asked James, who opened his mouth to say no but stopped when I pulled out my best puppy dog face.

“Fine..” he grumbled reluctantly, and warily dug his fork into the eggs, taking off a tiny peace that he hesitantly placed in his mouth. “AwGawd” he gagged, quickly spitting it out into his napkin. He grabbed his cup of orange juice and gulped it down in an attempt to wash out the horrible taste in his mouth. “That was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever eaten in my life” James said with a cringe, as he took both the egg and his own pancake and dumped it into the nearest trashcan. My stomach rumbled again at that time, as if to remind me that it was still empty. I sighed and cautiously took an experimental bite of the toast. It was edible. “How does it taste?” James asked as he sat back down.

“Edible..” Was all I said.

“Better than nothing” James sighed, as he took a bite out of his own toast.

“Hey, what’s that?” I asked James, seeing the tiny piece of colorful paper sticking out from one of his hands.

“A map, I found it near the trash can. I guess they figures that anyone who ended up here was lost” James added the last part with a chuckle. He took out the map and laid it out on the table, holding his toast with his mouth. I fished out the piece of paper where dad had scribbled down the address from my satchel and searched for the town on the map.

“Mossbrooke isn’t on here..” I frowned.

“Really?” James said, his blue eyes scanning the map for the town. “Its not…” he confirmed, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

“Maybe I can look it up online with my phone” I suggested, searching inside my satchel with my hand for my phone. I couldn’t find it. “What the?” I looked inside the bag, pushing things around and out of the way, I even started to take things out as I frantically searched for my cell phone. It wasn’t there.

“Its not here” I said, still frantically searching around in my satchel.

“What do you mean its not in there?” James asked.

“I mean, its not in here!” I told him “I don’t know where it went!” I was panicking seeing as we had no way of contacting mom and dad now. “The hotel!” I gasped, as I remembered dropping it when the sleeping spell had taken over me “Its back at the hotel!” I buried my face in my hands from frustration. Mom probably thought I was dead or something. Mom. I lifted my head out of my hands as something dawned on me. How did mom know about Cypress Flower Motel? I remembered her panicked voice, screaming at me to get out to leave. How had she known that James and I would be in danger if we stayed there? Had she been there before? It didn’t seem possible, that she had because surely she wouldn’t have been able to escape, I mean she was normal. Right? And- wait, is that the dagger!? My thoughts went elsewhere as I saw James playing with the wolf dagger from the Cypress Flower Motel. “James, what the hell are you doing with that!?” I demanded.

“What….oh…this? Um, well” James sputtered, trying to come up with an excuse but when he couldn’t he sighed and told me the truth “I took it from Cruella and hid it in your bag when you weren’t looking..”

“James!” I cried disappointment.

“Well, it probably didn’t even belong to her in the first place!” James said in defense of himself “I bet she took it from a werewolf she killed, I mean, why would a witch need a dagger?” I’ll admit, James had a point, and I didn’t doubt that Cruella would rob from someone she murdered, I mean if she could murder two kids without a second thought then her moral standards were pretty low.

“I guess your right…” I sighed in defeat. James grinned triumphantly and continued playing with the dagger, flipping it in the air and expertly spinning it around with his fingers. Where did he learn to do that? I thought, but then my eyes caught sight of the window. The sky was dark and grey clouds loomed above, bringing the threat of more snow with them. “We’ve got to get going” I said, stuffing everything back into my bag, including the dagger and its stand.

“Go were?” James pointed out.

“Maybe they’ll know” I said looking towards the towards waitresses who were chatting idly to one another. I grabbed the piece of paper with the address from my bag and was making my way towards the waitresses when I accidentally dropped it, it fell to the ground and I bent down to grab it when I realized for the first time that it wasn’t a piece of paper, it was a envelope. I picked it up and peaked inside, curious to see if there was anything in it. There was. I took out a tiny folded up piece of rubbery paper, and opened it up, revealing a map of Montana. “James! Look!” I said excitedly, dashing over towards him. “Look what’s circled in red ink!”

“Mossbrooke!” he grinned.

“And on the back I think there’s a bus schedule” I stated, turning the map around to show him the neatly printed words in the back. James took the map from me and began to study the back, occasionally flipping back to the front. I wonder if there’s anything else in the envelope.. I checked inside once again and found that something was indeed still in there. It was a picture, I realized when I pulled it out.

In it stood faces both familiar and unfamiliar. My parents were in it, sitting down on a blanket with a one year old me on my dad’s lap while my mother held another baby, the same age as me on her own lap. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Who was that? My confusion grew deeper as I noticed that sitting next to dad was a little black headed boy with red eyes that I’d never seen in my life before, and finally sitting next to mom were Melinda and James. Was this a family picture? It would make sense, but if it was then who were those two other boys? As far as I knew, James was the only boy my parents had given birth to. But then again, my parents had also told me that werewolves and vampires didn’t exist, and guess what I turned out to be. “Bridgerook” James said from out of the blue.

“What?” I asked, my head still elsewhere.

“Bridgerook” James repeated “It has a bus to Mossbrooke, and its only a few miles away from here, if we run we could make the next bus”

“Oh” I said, and then the information finally sunk it “Oh, well then lets go” we grabbed our things and headed out into the cold air. Next stop, Bridgerook!

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