Chapter 32

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*Nicky’s POV*

“So you’ve never eaten meat- ever? Not even a tiny little bit by accident?” Grady continued to persists, unable to believe Alan and mine’s previous statements about being vegetarians.

“Its not that hard to believe,” I replied with a small laugh “even humans do it” Grady made a face at this statement.

“Why would anyone willingly give up meat?” the idea seemed unfathomable to him.

“We’re raised to be friends with every creature in the forest, and its quite awkward being friends with a deer and then going home and eating venison” Alan pointed out in our defense, I nodded my head in agreement. Not that Grady could see, a while back after making a small complaint about stubbing my toe against a rock Grady had taken it upon himself to carry me; so here I was, taking a piggy back ride on a werewolf while we wandered through the forest with a village elder- talking about out eating habits nonetheless!

“Are all elves like this?” Grady asked.

“Pretty much” I replied.

“There are a few exceptions” Alan added in to my previous statement “half elves sometimes eat meat- if they’re raised by normal human traditions that is”

“Half elves?” I questioned, never having heard of such a thing before. Usually when two different species came and procreated, the product would either be one species or the other- never both.

“Elves and humans are characteristically close enough to one another that if they were to have a baby the child would come out a hybrid of both- I’ve only meet a handful of half elves in my life, most of them chose to live human” Alan further explained to me.

“Don’t they get sick- living in the city?” I further questioned, and at this Grady looked up curiously towards me. “To much iron can makes elves sick,” I explained “and cities are like giant metal forests”

“Their human side makes them immune to the iron” Alan answered my previous question.

“What would happen if an elf got stuck in the city?” Grady asked, sounding strangely worried.

“The amount of iron an elf can handle differs for each one but if an average elf were to spend more than a week within city walls they would most likely fall ill and die” Alan replied before adding curiously “Why do you ask?”

Grady shrugged in reply before adding quietly “Just wondering”

“What about werewolves? What’s your Kryptonite?” I found myself questioning.

“Wolf bane” Grady answered back “I got shot with it once- felt like my blood was boiling me from the inside out” I could feel a small shiver go through his body as he remembered the pain.

“Shot?” I asked my mouth turning downwards into a frown.

“Hunters” Grady further explained.

Hunters?” Alan repeated with one eyebrow raised “Here? Of all places- that’s just as bad as going to Cincinnati” I found myself lost to the conversation now.

“They were newbie’s ” Grady told Alan with a shrug “its no big deal, everything turned out okay in the end”

“Getting shot is hardly no big deal” I fumed out at him.

“Can we just talk about happy- funny things, all this death and kryptonite talk is making me depressed” Grady spoke up.

“Squirrels are funny- we should talk about squirrels” Alan decided. “such a funny name. Squirrels” Alan sounded out the name slowly, just to prove his point.

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