Chapter 18

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*Emily's POV*

My stomach felt empty. “Here, try to drink this” Mary, a plump middle aged nurse said offering me a cup of orange juice. I shook my head in response, my mind flashing back to the neon pink slush and causing my stomach to turn. If it weren’t for the fact my stomach held zero contents inside of it right now, I would have hurled again. “I’ll put this here for later then” Mary smiled, placing the orange juice on the nightstand next to the bed.

“Thanks” I told her “Um, hey, do you know where that red eyed guy went?”

“Alpha Nathan” Mary said, and I nodded, highly doubtful that there was another red eyed werewolf in this house. “He’s handling some” Mary said it in a tone that told me it wouldn’t take much prodding to find out from her what the business was.

“What kind of business?” I asked her curiously. She looked towards the door before turning back to me.

“Well, I overheard Noel and his younger brother Chase talking, and Chase was talking about how he was out patrolling the perimeters with Louis, Lou for short, well anywho. They came across these werewolves that said that they’d been expecting new pack members to arrive a few days ago, and that the people were a no show and that the werewolves were wondering if their new pack members accidentally crossed by here. I don’t know why, but apparently this was really important, so important that Chase brought the werewolves here, into the agility course room, and went and got Alpha Nathan. And that’s all I know as of now” Mary gossiped, seeming as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulder. It was apparent that it pained her not being able to gossip.

“Mary, do you know the packs name?” I prodded again, curiosity ticking inside of me like a bomb.

“Not exactly, but Chase did say something about them being from MossBridge or something” Mary tapped her chin thoughtfully as she tried to conjure up the name I already knew.

“Mossbrooke?” I told her, my heart beat picking up slightly.

“Yeah! That’s it!” Mary said, snapping her fingers. I knew it! Red eyes was lying. “How’d you know that?” Mary asked me curiously.

“I’ve heard about the town before” I told her. It wasn’t a complete lie.

“Well, anywho-” was this her catchphrase or something “-I gotta get going, but I’ll be back in a few hours to check up on you, k?” I nodded and with that Mary left.

I waited a few minutes after she left, making sure she didn’t come back for some odd reason, before I got up from the bed and left the room. I glanced around the hallway and when I was sure it was empty I tiptoed my way to James’s room.

“James” I called out in a hushed tone as I entered his room, quickly closing the door behind me. James let out a threatening growl at the sound of my entrance, not bothering to look up at me from his face down position on his bed. “James, its me, Emily” I told him, making sure to keep a respectable distance from him seeing as what happened during our earlier encounter.

“Go AWAY” James growled, the tone of his voice telling me that he didn’t care who I was.

“James, you have to listen me, please” I begged, only to earn another growl from James. Dammit! He’s not going to listen to anything I have to say until this whole werewolf shifting thing is over! “What the hell am I going to do..?” I sighed out desperately. We were stuck here until James shifted, and god knows how long that would take!

Another defeated sigh escaped my lips, and I rested my head against the door behind me. I closed my eyes, and tried to contemplate on what to do. But as my eyelids shielded my vision, my other senses grew, and I became aware of an annoying ticking sound above me.

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