Chapter 31

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*Emily’s POV*

I woke up feeling utterly and blissfully comfortable, something that was very rare for me seeing as I usually woke up with a stiff neck and my arm bent into an awkward position. I had a bad tendency to move around a lot in my sleep. I laid where I was, my eyes lazily drifting around to take in my surroundings.

I was in the living room, I realized. Why was I in the living room? It took a few minutes for my brain to process the events that had lead to me waking up in the living room. Jackson and I had been watching TV, I finally remembered. I must’ve fallen asleep. Letting out a yawn, I snuggled back into the couch, its soft snoring lulling me to sleep. Wait a second. I sat up quickly, my eyes searching for the true culprit of the obnoxiously loud snores.

They where quick to land on Jackson, who was curled up like a puppy in the armchair besides me. Jesus that boy could snore up a racket. I thought with a roll of my eyes. Now assured that there was no danger, I curled myself back up into the couch, having all intentions of falling back to sleep but as Jackson’s snores began to grow louder the task became increasingly more difficult. Finally, growing tired of the nose I grabbed a nearby pillow and threw it at Jackson. It missed completely, and instead of hitting its intended target it knocked over a lamp and sent it crashing onto the floor. Letting out a small squeak, I quickly curled myself back into a ball, pretending to be asleep. “Wha?” Jackson mumbled out groggily. “What the-the lamp?” I heard him grumble out in confusion as he took note of the mess I had made. I kept up with my sleep charade, not daring to even peek one eye open out of fear of being caught. Face the facts Emily, its so painfully obvious it was you. My inner voice chided, and I knew that it was right. There were only two people who could’ve done it and it must’ve been obvious to Jackson that it hadn’t been him seeing as the weapon that caused the destruction of the lamp was a pillow, my pillow.

I half waited for Jackson to wake me up and accuse me of the crime I had clearly committed. But he didn’t; instead I heard the sound of Jackson getting up and shuffling his way out from the room before returning back, and maybe I was wrong but it sounded as if Jackson was cleaning up my mess. My curiosity getting the better or me, I opened my eyes slightly, taking a peak to see what Jackson was doing. Just as I had guessed he was cleaning up the shattered lamp. “No-don’t do that” I blurted out, guilt quickly getting the better of me. I sat up and stared sheepishly over towards Jackson “I’m the one who broke it…” I spoke admitting the obvious.

“I know” Jackson replied with a small smile “go back to sleep now”


“Not buts, whys or ifs” Jackson spoke “Go back to sleep” I closed shut my eyes in an attempt to listen to Jackson’s order, but soon I found myself peeking one eye open at him to see him finishing up the cleaning.

“Are you hungry?” I blurted out, unsure of where the question had come from. Jackson stared up at me, once eyebrow raised up in question.

“Are you?” was his reply, taking this as a yes I got up and found my way into the kitchen.

“Do you like pancakes?” I questioned; my subconscious mind had decided, during the time I’d watched Jackson cleaning up the glass, that cooking up Jackson breakfast would be a suitable way to repay him for cleaning up my mess.

Jackson gave me a small shrug before simply replying “Yeah” good. I thought internally to myself, seeing as the only breakfast foods I could make that didn’t involve heating something up in a microwave were bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

I searched my way around the kitchen for a few minutes, placing everything I needed on top of the counter. “Where are the skillets?” I asked Jackson when he walked into the kitchen.

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