Chapter 26

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*Jackson’s POV*

“I s-”





“NO” Porter yelled the words at me this time. “She wants to be alone” I merely let out an aggravated huff at his words, before returning back to my pacing. I had been like this for the past few minutes, after having overheard Emily’s angered rant.

“I’m go-”

“That’s it” Porter sighed out, he placed the remote control down onto the coffee table and gave his fists a good crack before he jumped up over the coach and came towards me. “YOU. WILL. LEAVE” Porter managed to pin my down onto the floor, my arms pressed against my back “HER. ALONE” he spoke each word out slowly for emphasis.

“Sneak Attack!” Grady’s cried out, slamming into Porter and making him fall down onto the ground besides me.

“The hell, Grady!” Porter cried out angrily, stumbling up onto his feet again.

“I had to do it” Grady stated out in a serious tone.

“Why!?” Porter demanded, giving Grady the chance to explain himself before he beat his ass.

“Oh… you actually want a reason…” Grady stumbled out, nervously rubbing his chin. “Because you’re a butt-head”

“I’m kicking you ass” Porter growled, advancing towards Grady who was quick to run out of the room. “GET OVER HERE!”

I looked around the room for a moment, slowly realizing that I was alone, with no one to stop me from going outside. Do you see where I’m going with this? I walked over towards the front door, poking my head out to see where Emily was. I found her sitting down on the porch swing, starting angrily at the sky. “You okay?” I spoke, startling a small jump out of her. “sorry” I was quick to rush out, freezing where I stood.

“No” she shook her head slightly as she said it “its okay, you just surprised me”

“So, what are you up to? Other than glaring at the sky, I mean I know the weather could be nicer but ya’ know..” I tried my best to ease my way out from this terrible attempt at a joke that I had started. Why would I even try to do a weather joke, it was just a terrible idea from the start.

“That was a really lame joke” Emily said, but despite her words she cracked a small smile.

“It was more of a joke attempt” I corrected, my mouth turning upwards into a grin. “So, you okay?” I asked, coming down to sit besides her on the swing.

“As okay as anyway in my situation can be..” she sighed out, turning her attention back towards the sky.

“Everything will be fine in the end” I spoke in an attempt to console her.

“Why do I seriously doubt that?” was her reply, before we both fell in silence. Neither of us knowing, yet again, what to say.

*Emily’s POV*

You two are the single cutest things I’ve ever seen!” a voice suddenly screeched in giddy delight.

“Oh no” I heard Jackson faintly groan underneath his breath as we both watched the tiny figure of a woman race towards us. She was quick to cover the distance standing between her and us and before I could understand what was going on she had both me and Jackson locked into a bear hug. “Mom, you’re suffocating me” Mom?

After squeezing a sufficient amount of breath from me and Jackson the woman finally pulled back. “Oh, I’m sorry. But you two are just so -so CUTE!” she gushed, her eyes a gleam with pure delight. “Oh! Sweetheart I’m so happy you found her!” curious as to what she was talking about, I glanced over towards Jackson who had a stunned expression on his face.

“W-what- how!?” Jackson shook his head, clearly confused.

“Grady called and he told me! He said it was so obvious she was your soul mate!!” the expression on Jackson’s face went form shocked to horrified.

“What is she talking about?” I questioned, my mouth pulling down into a frown as I turned to stare at Jackson.

“Nothing!” he was quick to rush out.

“finding your soul-mate is certainly not nothing” the woman, his mother, huffed out.

“Mom, please stop, you don’t understand-” Jackson turned back towards her, looking as if he felt very overwhelmed at the moment.

“Why is she acting like she doesn’t know?” his mother prodded further, ignorant of her sons change in demeanor.

“Know what?” I questioned, my frown turning into a scowl. Was this another secret, another lie?

“That you two are soul-mates-”

“MOM ENOUIGH!” Jackson cried out angrily at her. But it was to late, I had already put two and two together. She thought we were soul-mates.

Jackson turned towards me, and upon seeing the expression on my face he must have realized himself that I had figured it out. “mom, can you leave us alone? PLEASE” his mother simply nodded, a frown on her face as she disappeared into the house. “Emily look, let me ex-”

“She thinks we’re soul mates?” it came out as an uncontrollable giggle. “I can accept the fact that werewolves exist, but soul-mates?” despite all I’d been through these past few days, the entire idea was to farfetched for me.

“Yeah…funny, huh?” Jackson let out a weak chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, taking note of the way he was acting.

“Nothing” he was quick to rush out “I’m just thinking about how to break it to my mom”

“I’ll tell her with you if that helps” I offered, and one again Jackson was quick to reply.

“No, no, no, its okay” he shook his head as he said it “I think it’d be better if I was the one to break it to her” I simply nodded, before going into another fit of giggles. Soul-mates. What a stupid idea.

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