Chapter 17

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'Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea' Grady muttered nervously as we neared the Nakoma Pack territory, his ears flat against the side of his head and his eyes scanning fearfully around.

'We’re here to talk, not to fight' I reassured Grady.

'We’re here' Porter suddenly announced, causing me and Grady to skid to a stop. The scent of the Nakoma pack hit me instantly a second later, a warning sign to any rogues that beyond this point was Nakoma territory.

'Hello? Anybody here?' I called out mentally, stepping up in front of Porter and Grady.

'State your business' a voice growled as two male werewolves appeared from behind the bushes. Mustering up whatever courage I had, I stood up slightly taller and answered.

'My pack was suppose to be expecting two new arrivals a few days ago, but they haven’t showed up and we were wondering if they passed through here by accident' one of the wolves, the blonde one, stared up at me curiously at the word two.

'What were their names?' the blonde wolf questioned, his head titling curiously. The other wolf next to him let out a low growl, earning a glare from the blonde wolf. 'What were their names?' the blonde wolf repeated ignoring the other wolf’s bared teeth.

'James and Emily Smith' I told him hesitantly. The two wolves shared an uncertain glance at the names, before the blonde wolf turned his attention back to me.

'I think our alpha will want to speak with you, all of you' the blonde wolf told me.

'Ok' I agreed following after the two wolves as they took off, gesturing with my head for Grady and Porter to follow. 'Stay close, and at the first sign of trouble I want you to run, understood?' I told Porter and Grady privately, they both nodded obediently, their bodies growing tense with each step as we walked deeper into Nakoma territory.

We walked the rest of the trip in silence and it was about twenty minutes later when the trees finally began to clear.

'Jackson…is that what I think it is?' Grady asked all our eyes growing wide in unison as we stared at the place all members of the Nakoma Pack called home. A giant castle that loomed above all the surrounding trees stood in the center of a large clearing, werewolves bustling about and around, to busy to even cast a curious glance our way.

'This is just….wow' Porter gasped in awe, Grady and I nodded in agreement.

'This way' the blonde wolf ordered, unfazed by the sight in front of him. We all trotted after him as he went in through a pair of ridiculously large double doors, Grady stopping for a moment to wipe his paws on the matt outside. 'Wait in here while I get my Alpha' the blonde wolf said, nodding his large wolfish head towards an open doorway. I entered inside first to make sure it wasn’t some sort of trap, and finding that it was just a large room with werewolf sized equipment, I nodded my head, signaling for Porter and Grady to enter as well. The blonde wolf took off in search of his alpha the moment we were all in the room, closing shut the door.

'Is this room an agility course?' Grady’s ears perked up from excitement as he looked around the room, his tail wagging faster as he took in each piece of equipment.

'I think it is' Porter agreed, seeming slightly impressed.

'Can I, can I, can I??' Grady asked me excitedly, practically jumping up in down in his spot.

'One time' I told him, understanding what he was asking. He wanted to run the agility course.

'Yippe!!!' Grady declared and took off like a rocket, disappearing into a blur of brown as he super-speed his way through the course.

'One word. Steroids' Porter said to me. I let out a short, wolfish laugh at this and we both continued to watch amused as Grady ran the course multiple times, not messing up even once.

“Impressive” Grady, startled by the voice ended up crashing into one of the hurdles, while Porter and I just jumped up slightly in surprise. “I’m Nate, the alpha of Nakoma pack” the man said after Grady got up.

In reality there had been no need for Nate to tell us what his position in the pack was, you could tell just by his scent and all the authority he held in his voice that he was the alpha.

'Wait a second' Grady grumbled, sniffing furiously at Nate who growled threateningly at him in reply.

'Grady, what the hell are you doing?' I seethed, shocked he would do this to the Leader of the Nakoma Pack.

'Holy fudge!' Grady declared his head shooting away from Nate.

'Get away from him you idiot' Porter scowled grabbing Grady by his scruff and dragging him away.

'Guys, check out his scent!' Grady cried out, struggling to break free from Porters grip. 'He’s Andrew’s grandson!'


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