Chapter 12

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*Jackson’s POV*

Stay to the left of him, I’ll stay to the right’ I told my brother Porter as we bounded through the forest. He barked out in agreement and we parted, our prey’s sent fresh in our nose.

He’s speeding up’ Porter told me.

Then speed up too’ I ordered, I forced my legs to move faster, the trees passing by in a blur around me. Close in, I ordered once I caught sight our of prey’s blurry brown figure. We appeared out from the wall of trees, and closed in on the prey, catching him off guard, but he quickly shook off the surprise and speed up.

Dammit Porter cursed, as we lengthen out strides and pushed ourselves to more quickly. We were at our top speed and even then we couldn’t catch up to him. He’s reaching the tree!!


I WIN!!! SUCKERS! Our prey’s voice boomed in our heads.

Dammit! Porter cursed, as we slowed down to a trot. We could see the tree up a few yards ahead, and the brown wolf in front of it a smirk in its eyes.

Prey 298 and Predator 1’ our prey laughed, prancing around happily in front of the oak tree.

Shut it Grady’ I scowled him.

Sore loser’ Grady-slash-our prey laughed.

I’m testing you for drugs’ Porter huffed at him, unable to believe how many times we’ve lost this game to Grady. I couldn’t believe either, but Grady had always been an unnaturally fast runner, even for werewolf standards.

Your just jealous of my awesomeness’ Grady grinned.

Don’t get too cocky, remember were both still stronger than you’ I said, making a point to kick him in the back of his leg. He let out a yelp of pain and bolted up a couple yards away.

Wimp’ Porter teased, and the I kicked him in the back of his leg. Ow! What the hell? he cried, limping for a few seconds.

That’s for being a jackass’ I told him, holding back a wolfish grin.

BOYS!’ the voice of our alpha’s boomed in our heads so loudly that we flinched, I need you three to come back to my house, ASAP. he ordered.

Ok. We all said in unison, before taking off towards his house. Grady in front and me and Porter behind him, struggling to keep up.

I’m nicknaming you Kid Flash Porter panted as he fell further behind both Grady and I. He was the slowest of our group, but what he lacked in speed, he made up for in strength.

Why do I have to be Kid Flash? Why can’t I be Flash? Grady questioned looking back at Porter, I was mid-way through rolling my eyes when I saw it.

GRADY! WATCH OUT! I cried, but the warning came to late and the next thing I heard was the sound of wood splitting.

Ow..’ Grady grunted, as he stumbled out from the side of our alpha’s house, a giant dent where he had just been.

“What ha-” our alpha, Andrew, had been walking out from the back door to see what had happened when his eyes caught the dent in the back of his house “God dammit” Andrew sighed, frustrated as he rubbed circles around his temples.

Sorry.. Grady apologized sheepishly, flattening his ears against his head, bending his head slightly, and looking up sadly at Andrew, the bottom of his lip slightly quivering. It was the ultimate puppy dog face. Andrew sighed in defeat.

“Just shift and come meet me in the living room” Andrew said, passing an eye over the damaged wall before he disappeared back inside.

“I think my arms bruising” Grady said as we shifted back, pulling on the spare clothes we kept in the trunk outside. The three of us had long gotten over the awkwardness of dressing in front of each, seeing as all werewolves did this because our clothes didn’t exactly stay with us when we shifted into wolves.

“Like it matters, it’ll just go away in a few minutes” Porter said, pulling on his shirt, it was as if the bruise had heard Porter because suddenly, the large bruise that had begun to form on Grady’s arm, started to disappear until there was nothing there but tan colored skin.

“Come on” I said, making my way inside and towards the living room with Porter and Grady following after me. We all sat down on the couch opposite of Andrew. “So, why’d you call us here?” I asked after a few seconds of silence.

“I need you three to do me a favor” Andrew admitted, running a hand through his grey aged hair.

“What is it?” Porter asked him curiously, Andrew seemed unsure where to begin.

“You know how I’ve always told you my grandkids, except for the oldest, were human, right?” Andrew began uncertainly, we all nodded, remembering Andrew’s often talks about how great a werewolf one of his grandsons could’ve made. “We’ll, apparently, they’re not..”

“Not what?” Grady asked, not understanding. Which wasn’t uncommon for Grady.

“They’re not human” Andrew explained “My son John found out a couple days ago that my grandkids James and Emily are werewolves”

“So what do you need us to do?” I asked bluntly, not seeing where we fit into all of this.

“You know how there are only three towns with buses leading to Mossbrooke, well I need each of you to go to one of them and wait around there for a few days, just incase they show up” Andrew told us.

“And what if they don’t?” Porter questioned.

“Then I’m assuming” Andrew said with great sadness “that they’re either lost or….dead” he tried to hide it, but we could all hear his voice choke up a little bit at the last word. We didn’t judge him thought, these were his grandchildren, and there was nothing more important to a werewolf than his family and his friends.

“When do you want us to leave?” I asked him.

“As soon as you can” Andrew answered.

“Then we’ll head out at six” I said, looking at the clock. Which had the short hand pointed at three and the long one at thirty two. “Agreed?” I asked Porter and Grady, who nodded and replied.


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