Chapter 19

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*Jackson’s POV*

“Out” Nate growled at us, but from the look that had crossed his eyes just moments before it was obvious what Grady had said was true. He was Andrew’s grandson.

‘Your Andrew’s grandson? Does he know?’ Porter prodded.

“I said OUT” Nate roared in a voice that sent us backing away from him with our tails between out legs and our ears flat against out heads. “I want you to leave my territory and never come back. NOW!” we fearfully obeyed his command, and quickly rushed out way out of the room. “Someone escort them out!” Nate’s voice boomed through the high walls of the castle and just a few moments later a man came running to our side to carry out his command.

“Follow me” the man told us, and we followed after him in a single file line as he lead us out to the front door. “head North” he told us curtly as we exited, slamming the door shut behind us.

‘That went terrible…’ I mentally sighed, my head hung low as the scene replayed over in my head.

'We got our asses verbally handed to us…’ Porter scowled, beginning to walk away from the large castle.

‘And don’t forget we didn’t even find out if Emily and James Smith were here’ Grady added, the horribleness of the situation quickly weighing down onto us.

‘Lets just head back home' I sighed out defeated. A heavy guilt settling in my stomach as I realized we would be returning without Andrew’s grandkids in tow.

Grady and Porter began to wallow in their own self pity as we began our long journey back home, their heads hanging ever lower than my own. We we’re a pathetic excuse for a pack. I thought miserably, joining in on their little pity party. Just absolutely and truly pathetic.

We had made it only a few yards into the forest when we heard the strange sound. Barking. But not the werewolf kind. The domesticated dog kind. More specifically, the kind of high pitch and squeaky barking you only heard from tiny little lap dogs. Needless to say it was a sound that didn’t belong in an area that was just trees and wildlife as far as the eye could see.

We all looked quizzically at each other as more little pitchy voices joined into the barking. What the hell? Suddenly, a small army of werewolves, including a large black wolf with the unmistakable red eyes of Alpha Nate, came bolting out from the front doors and headed somewhere off into the south. ‘is it me, or does it sound like there a hundreds of Chihuahua’s down there?’ Porter asked us, his ears lifted up and directed towards the south completely as he listened into the commotion.

‘No’ Grady said his ears pointed up and moving slowly around in a motion that remind me of one of those TV satellite, ‘I think I hear a yorkie’ Grady replied to him, and I couldn’t help but wonder why he only heard one.

'Come on, this isn’t our problem and you heard Nate, he wants us off his territory as soon as possible' I said my head shaking at the craziness of what was occurring. Porter and Grady listened to the noise for a few more seconds before following after me.

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