Chapter 34

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Everyone was happy; my grandmother was squealing with delight and my grandfather was cracking jokes about married life and even Porter had managed to muster up a smile and a congratulations towards Grady- whom, with the help of Jackson teamed up against him and began to tease him about now being the only single man left. 

I felt kind of left out- no, correct that, I didn’t just feel left out I was left out as I sat by myself at the bottom of the stairs while everyone else crowded Grady on the couch. I could’ve joined them I suppose, but I would’ve felt like I was intruding on a moment that was clearly meant for close friends and family- as nice as Grady was, we didn’t know each other well enough to truly be considered friends; I didn’t know any of them actually. 

At this moment I could feel my heart start to clench in pain. I wish James was here, I’d even settle for Melinda- just any familiar face at this moment would’ve cheered me up and chased away the loneliness that was engulfing me. 

Unable to just sit here and sulk in my own self pity I quietly got up and made my way up the stairs. I walked into the guest room my grandmother had set up for me, closing the door shut as softly as I could before moving to burry myself underneath the blankets of my bed. I buried my face into the pillow, my hair which was still damp from the shower I’d taken pressing up and sticking against my face. Letting out a small sigh I closed my eyes shut, hoping that maybe sleep would help me escape the sorrows of my loneliness- at least for a little while. 


“DADDY!” I let out the ear piercing scream, a large hand muffling my mouth a moment later. 

“Keep the little brats quite!” one of the men hissed at the woman who was in charge of me. I kicked and I thrashed in her iron clad grip, trying my best to escape to no avail. Not only were they bigger but they were stronger than me. 

“Son of a!” one of the other men cursed as a familiar blue eyed boy bit down on his hand, letting out a scream for help like I had before the man muffled one more “Damn brats teething” by the slightly flustered expression on their faces it was clear neither had expected for two,  five and a half year olds to put up such a fight. 

“Get them into the fucking vans already” the head man ordered lividly, displeased by how long it was taking his henchman to deal with us. After a lot of struggling and screaming the woman managed to tie a bandana of sorts around my face, muffling my mouth with it; panicked I looked over towards where the blue eyed boy- to where my brother was only to find they had done the same. With an extra hand now free the man slung my thrashing brother over his shoulder and began to advance towards one of the black vans, while the woman did the same to me- taking us over towards the second van. 

They were separating us! I realized with a start and at this realization a whole new wave of hysteria seemed to kick into me- I screamed and I kicked and I thrashed; trying to get out from her grip. “Stop it before I make you!” the woman snapped, struggling to carry my body over into the van. 

“Give her a minute- the drugs’ll kick in” the head man spoke as he mounted into a shiny and sleek car that reminded me of the bat mobile. “See” the head man spoke out smartly; I stopped kicking, my body beginning to feel sluggishly slow and soon after a deep drowsiness overtook me. No, I had to escape. I thought weakly to myself, we had to escape. My gaze drifted lazily over towards my brother only to find he was barely better than I was, soon, after a few more kicks he was done for, his body going as limp as mine. Luke…. That was his name, Luke. 

I watched helpless as we were loaded into separate vans- and the last thing I saw before the world finally faded into black where the van doors sliding shut with a slam. 

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