Chapter 4

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I stared out the window, the small discussion my family was having on what to do for my birthday sounded miles away. I honestly just wanted to go home and eat a tub of ice-cream, but my parents wanted to take us all to Dave and Busters, seeing as this was one of the very few times they’d actually remembered my birthday.

“Emily!!” someone screamed into my ear, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“What the hell man!” I cried, my hands shooting up to cover my ears. I glared up at my sister, Melinda, and asked “What was that for?”

“For not listening to me earlier when I asked you if you’d rather go to Dave and Busters or to Water Country” she informed me.

“Neither” I scowled.

“What!?? But Water Country is AH-MA-ZING!!” James cried, throwing his arms up for emphasis.

“You’ve never even been to Water Country, how would you know?” I asked James, raising and eyebrow.

“True, which is exactly why we should go” James said in a matter of fact voice.

“You do know its January, right?” I reminded him.

“So” was his reply.

“I don’t want to go anywhere for my birthday” I said stubbornly “I just wanna go home and eat pizza and ice-cream”

“Are you sure?” mom asked, shocked. I nodded.

“We could go somewhere else if you want, me and your mother kind of owe you since we’ve forgotten your last two birthdays” dad said, somewhat guilty.

“Actually” James said “You’ve forgotten her seventh, ninth, tenth, thirteen and fourteen birthday, so that’s” he had to use his fingers to count “Five birthdays you’ve forgotten” my parents weren’t the best with remembering birthdays, or school events.

“Are you sure, you don’t want us to do anything for your birthday?” mom asked, now feeling guilty herself. Any other kid would’ve milked the crap out of this situation, but I just shook my head no. I wasn’t that type of person.

“Are you a hundred percent sure?” dad persisted, I sighed.

“I’m sure”

“Are you absolutely, a hundred percent sure?” he persisted further, I nodded, holding my ground. “Even if I said I was willing to take you to Cincinnati Zoo?” he asked, I paused at this because Cincinnati Zoo was one of the top ten best zoos to visit in America.

“But that’s all the way in Ohio..” I reminded him, he grinned, seeing the offer had sparked my interest.

“Like I said, we do kind of owe you for all the other missed birthdays” dad said.

“What about James?” I asked, looking towards me brother.

“The doctors said that at the rate he’s healing he should be up and out of here in two or three days” mom chirped in.

“Well…..” I mumbled, slowly giving in “I don’t see why not..”

“Sweet! Were going to Ohio!!” James whooped, I laughed at his childishness. But then grinned myself. We were going to Cincinnati!!!

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