Chapter 16

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*Jackson’s POV*

'Its been two days, they’re not coming' Porter growled irritably. The lack of decent wooded areas in Bluerock finally getting to him.

'Were waiting two more days' I told him my tone leaving no room for discussion.

'That’s easy for you too say, Bridgerook has a nice lush forest with a lot of cover, I’ve almost been spotted five damn times today' Porter snapped back at me.

'You want to be an ungrateful little bitch, go ahead and go home, I’ll wait here another damn week if I have too' I growled lividly at Porter, 'Andrew’s helped us out more times that we can count so this is the least we can do for him. That shut Porter right up. '

'Fine..' Porter grumbled, and then he broke mental communication with me. I let out a frustrated sigh. You’d think being the oldest, he’d be more mature.

'Hey Jackson…' Grady said, 'I’ve been thinking about something for a while now..'

'What?' I asked curiously, there were rarely times when Grady actually thought deeply about anything.

'There’s a route to Bridgerook that passes right through Nakoma Pack territory' Grady began.

'Yeah, so?' I replied back

'What if they took it and Nakoma Pack took them in for trespassing or something?' Grady asked me.

'Nakoma Packs is one of the most powerful packs in North America, they’d have to be pretty stupid to take a route to here that passes through their territory.' I snorted, dismissing Grady’s idea right away.

'Not stupid, clueless' Grady continued, 'sound completely certain about what he was saying, were all treating them like they’re going to act like werewolves, but they’ve been raised their whole lives to be like humans. They don’t know about out world, about territories or packs, they don’t know anything.' My mind worked itself around this idea Grady had suggested.

'Your right' I told Grady. Because he was. Which was pretty shocking since Grady was hardly ever right.

A part of my felt stupid for not realizing this possibility early, but the other, Alpha wolf part of me was already coming up with a plan on what to do. 'Porter' I called out.

'What?' he asked, clearly still irritated with me.

'Make you way over to Bridgerook' I ordered.

'Why?' he questioned uncertainly.

'Were going to have to pay a visit to the Nakoma pack' I told him.

'You’re kidding, right?' Porter replied worriedly.

'No, I’m not.' I replied, dead serious.

'You know, I’m fine with staying in Bluerock' Porter tried in an attempt to wiggle his way out of going onto Nakoma territory.

'I’m expecting you to be here by sundown' was all I said, 'You too Grady'

'Got it' was Grady’s reply, and with that all mental communications went silent.

Left alone with my thought, I seriously considered if I was crazy. But then there was this strange feeling in my gut that told me that Grady was right. So I shook away whatever fear and doubts I had and waited patiently for my pack.

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