Chapter 5

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“Ohio, Ohio, Ohio, Ohio!!” James cheered as we boarded off the airplane. Quite a few people shot him annoyed looks as we passed by while others just stared at him amused.

“James, will you shut it?” Melinda scowled, growing embarrassed by our brothers behavior.

“Eh” James said, putting on a thoughtful look before he answered “No” I smiled. James had completely recovered from the wolf attack and was more hyper than ever.

“Will you relax?” I laughed at him.

“Can’t do little sis, I had three red bulls on the plane and I am hyped!!” James told me, doing a little fist pump at the last three words. A snort of laughter escaped my lips at how childish James was. “Oh say can you see, by the dawns early light, how so proudly, something, something, something, neh, nah, nah, nah. Ugh… .crap.. I just forgot the national anthem”

“You’re an idiot” Melinda had no choice but to laugh at our brother as he walked beside us, a very concentrated look plastered on his face as he tried to remember the lyrics the national anthem.

“Aw, forget it” He finally huffed as we all went to go get our luggage.

After everyone had gotten their luggage, we all waited outside for Aunt Bettie, my mothers sister who had insisted on picking us up the moment she learned of our trip to Ohio. “We should’ve rented a car..” dad grumbled, using his suitcase like a chair and sitting down on top of it.

“Its only been five minutes” mom scowled at him.

“So?” dad childishly grumbled.

“Is that my favorite sister I see!!??” squealed someone, my eyes shot up towards a petite woman with the same blonde hair and brown eyes as mom.

“Bettie!!” mom cried, rushing towards her, arm outstretched.

“Shari!!” the woman cried back, arms outstretched just like mom. They both tackled each other into a bear hug.

“Its been so long!!” the petite blonde, previously called Bettie, cried as she broke away from the hug.

“To long” mom agreed.

“Are these my nieces and nephew!??” Bettie squealed as she spotted us, she rushed over towards us and somehow managed to envelope all three of us into a bone crushing hug, despite her tiny stature. “Look at how big you three have gotten!!” she smiled, releasing us from her death hug. Jesus, that woman had some muscles.

“Um, Bettie, do you think we could hold the exchanges until we’re inside the van?” dad asked, somewhat impatiently.

“Oh, yes, of course!!” Aunt Bettie replied, and then began to usher us all towards her van. We all scrambled after her, James deciding to be a gentleman and grabbing all our bags. “Just throw your bags in the back” she told us as she opened the trunk of the van.

“Ok” James replied, and launched all three of the bags at once towards the trunk. Everyone watched with amazement that despite the fact he was a good three yards away all three of the bags landed perfectly inside. “GOAL!!” James cheered, doing a little dance.

“I wanna try!” I said, grabbing the two reaming bags and copying James. A grin formed on my face as I watched the bags land into the trunk perfectly as well. Both me and James high fived each other, giant grins on each of our faces.

“Jesus! You two have some arms!” Aunt Bettie cried, flabbergasted.

“These two are always showing off” Mel remarked.

“Were not showing off, were just being awesome” James replied.

“No, I think your showing off” Mel repeated once again. After Aunt Bettie closed the trunk door we all piled in, Aunt Bettie and mom in the front, dad, Mel, and James in the middle, and me in the back.

“La la de, la la do, la la da” James quietly hummed under his breath as Aunt Bettie started the car and began to drive out of the parking lot.

“Are you seriously singing the Squirdward song?” I laughed, James eyes went wide.

“You heard that?” James asked.

“Heard what?” dad asked curiously.

“James was singing the Squirdward song, didn’t you hear him?” I answered with a laughed.

“No, I didn’t, which is weird since I’m right next to him..” dad said, his mind trying to put something together.

“No offense dad, but your hearing isn’t what is use to be” James said, patting dad on the shoulder.

“Are you calling me old?” dad questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“That depends, if I am will I lose my allowance?” James said, causing dad to laugh.

“Kids these days, all they think about is money” Aunt Bettie joked.

“Nuh uh” James huffed “I think about other stuff, like girls, and food” he argued.

“Oh, the mind of a teenage boy” Aunt Bettie laughed, shaking her head. Everyone else let out a few snorts of laughter in agreement. James frowned, not understanding what was so funny.

“I don’t get it..” James admitted, confused.

“Its ok” dad said, patting his shoulder. James spent the rest of the car ride to Aunt Bettie’s house trying to figure out why everyone had laughed.

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