Intro- Ten

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His stomach growled as hunger spread over his body. He desperately needed to get food but his lack of energy made that task almost impossible. Being a cat hybrid, his hunting skills were close to perfect but his precision was somewhat lacking. Ten groaned as he stood up and went out to hunt.


A bird caught Ten's eyes as it flew down onto the ground and began to peck at the floor. A perfect target.
Just as he was readying himself to pounce on it, he felt a pair of teeth sink into his skin at his anckle. A scream left the cat hybrids lips at the contact, scaring off his prey. He turned around to see a wolf biting down on his anckle, not hard enough to break anything but enough to keep a firm grip and to draw blood. The wolf's eyes soon widened in shock after the cat morphed into a boy, black pointy ears on the top of the his head, pointing in his direction.

The wolf let Ten's leg go but the hybrid was too shocked to move as he watched the wolf shift into a human form.
Ten covered his mouth slowly as tears began to leak from his eyes. Soon soft sobs accompanied the tears before they were replaced by loud, fearful cries.

"Hyung? Are you crying?" A voice called out before rustling was heard and a cute face appeared. "H-hyung... y-you-"
"I'm getting Kun." The cute face disappeared as quickly as it appeared leaving the two just as shocked as each other.
"Dont just stand there! Do something! Help!" Ten yelled as more tears fell from his eyes.
"I-I'm so sorry. It's already done, I can't do anything... What hybrid form are you? Are you double?"
"Semi double."
"Shit." The werewolf cursed before noticing another werewolf approaching behind them.

Tell me exactly what you did."


Ten sat on the bed and let tears of fear and despair run down his pure cheeks. He was scared. He knew he was going to start turning into a werewolf and he didnt want to. He read about what would happen if he was bitten by a werewolf a long time ago, little did he know that it would actually happen to him.

After a few minutes of his crying, he heard footsteps coming his way. He looked up and saw the werewolf referred to as 'Kun' stand in the doorway with a plate of food. Ten's eyes widened in fear as he transformed himself into a cat and jumped to climb the wardrobe in the corner of the room, staring at the werewolf, terrified.

"Hey, I'm sorry for what happened. Hansol and I agreed to look after you until you're better. After that, we'll let you go or stay with us if you want.. please come down.. I brought food for you.. I understand if you're scared but you need to eat something. I'll leave the food on the bed for you, ok? I'll let you eat alone." He was gone.

Ten waited a while before jumping back onto the bed and sniffing the food. After deeming it safe, he began to eat, finding that he actually enjoyed it.

After a short while, he began to feel tired. Keeping his eyes open became a challenge for the cat just starting to fully begin his late kitten years. Before he fell asleep completely, he remembered reading that after being bitten by a venomous humanoid, it isnt uncommon to pass out as it helps with the transformation process. He tightly curled himself into a ball as he shut his eyes, letting out soft whimpers of fear as sleep washed over him.


When he woke up, he was in his human form, curled up in the same position he was in when he fell asleep in his feline form. He sat up and looked around before noticing Hansol at the door.
"You're awake-" He was quickly cut off by Tens change in body language. His ears were back and the hairs on his tail were pointing up. He hissed slightly. "First, I want to tell you how sorry I am. My mate and I have promised to take care of you as a way to make up for it~ I am so sorry, please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Secondly, I deserve all the harsh treatments from you. You deserve to hate me..." Hansol said, offering an apologetic smile before leaving again.

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