chapter 15

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~*Sicheng's first full moon with his pack*~

"Sicheng, come out of there! It's almost dark!" Kun called, banging on the door, feeling his wolf side slowly commimg out.
"No! Please, I- just leave."
"Sicheng didi, there's no point in staying in there on a full moon. You won't get to experience the best of it." Sicheng's eyes turned amber and filled with tears despite trying to suppress it. "Please, Sicheng. I'll get you some beef if you come out." Kun begged and Sicheng reluctantly opened the door, beef being his favourite.

Sicheng's amber eyes met with Kun's deep orange ones, Sicheng immediately averted his gaze. "I'm sorry, Alpha." Kun smiled softly before wiping Sicheng's tears away with his thumbs and ruffling his hair "It's ok. You don't have to apologise. Kun reasured before taking his hand and leading him to the others (Ten, Renjun, Lucas and Yangyang)

A few moments later, the transformation began to take place more so. All their veins turned black, nails and teeth grew. Sicheng whimpered slightly before running off back to where he was before. Unable to shut the door, he simply covered himself with the damp blanket as he continued to whimper, unable to cry.

After a few minutes, fully transformed, Lucas and Ten walked to where Sicheng was before laying down on either side of his quivering body to lay a comforting paw around him in a soft hug. Sicheng relaxed a bit and closed his eyes, focusing on the two other's sent and the other three howling at the moon outside.

Sicheng was fully relaxed in a few more minutes, the other two sensed this and pulled the blanket back to reveal a weak Sicheng, curled in a ball. Lucas continued to hug him whilst Ten hunted something for him to eat, returning a few mins later.

After resting and eating, Sicheng felt better and decided to go be with Kun, Yangyang and Renjun as a way to make up for not spending more time with them (Ten and Lucas had joined them earlier). When he went out, he saw all of them, huddled together around the fire, asleep. Sicheng's tail and ears dropped low as he decided to go back inside and spend the night alone. He woke up the next morning with a tear stained face and more tears leaking out of his dark brown eyes.


Over the next few days, they spoke about what happened and how to make it better for Sicheng. It got better for him over the years although slight hints of it was still bugging him.


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