chapter 3

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"Sicheng, this is my castle. And it is mine. I'm actually the King." Yuta explained with Sicheng who had shifted into wolf form being too tired to walk upright. "Taeyong is also a king but we aren't married or related. He's king of somewhere else but this is mine. Everything in this building and on its grounds belongs to me. Even the people. They're all mine in some way or another. Impressed?" Yuta asked with a cocky grin. Wolf Sicheng just dug his head in Yuta's side and slightly closed his eyes. "Sicheng? Are you sleepy?" Yuta asked before stroking the wolf's head as it yawned. "Ok, I'll show you to our rooms, yeah?" Yuta said, letting said wolf loosely follow behind him.


Sicheng slowly began to relax when he felt Yuta pick him up and place him on the bed, stroking his hair. "Could you get changed into pyjamas and lay with me? I need to ask you about something the other wolf mentioned." Sicheng whined before changing back into human form. "I think these will fit you," he said giving him some white sleeping clothes to wear. "I'll get changed too. Once your done, fold your clothes and put them on the stool there and wait on the bed for me, ok?" Yuta asked, leaving the room to give them both privacy whilst they changed.


"You can breathe you know." Yuta laughed whilst threading his fingers through Sicheng's hair. Sicheng sighed and leaned into the gentle touch. "What did you want to ask?" Sicheng asked.
"The man mentioned something about you starting heat soon. What is that?" Yuta asked softly, Sicheng inhaled sharply.
"I- I'm sorry if it's anything-"
"It's very painful. I'm unable to do a lot of things due to the pain and the..." Sicheng paused.
"It's ok, I won't judge anything you say." Yuta brushed his thumb over Sicheng's cheek gently to relax him.
"The arousal..." Sicheng bit his lip nervously and looked down embarrassed. "Explain further."
"Part of 'taking care of me' when I'm in heat is to....erm...."
"Deal with the arousal?"
"Yes. That..."
"That man today, he smelt you?"
"What exactly was it that he was smelling to make him so determined to have you?"
Sicheng inhaled shakily before responding. "I'm in the pre heat phase. My heat is going to start very soon and he could smell it off me. Being pre heat makes your scent change slightly, making it more attractive to alphas and betas. I'm also an omega so my scent is diffrent naturally. Omegas are seen as weaker than alphas and betas anyway, so a pre heat omega, me, must have smelt like heaven to him. To another wolf, the heat is an invitation. It tells the other wolf that my body is ready to....erm.... reproduce.."

"Oh. There are some supplements that I use whenever I go to the human world. It gets rid of my scent almost completely. You should probably try it."
"I know about them but I didn't take them with me on purpose. I...I need other wolves to smell me and to smell other wolves b-because I need to find mate."
"Your what?"
"My mate. Every wolf has a mate. Our instincts will draw us together so every wolf will meet their mate unless something happens to them. Supposedly, a wolf's mate is their ideal partner, someone who they can love and cherish forever and they'll get the same love back."
"How do you know when you've found them?"
"It's another instinct so I'll just know."

Sicheng's face was alight and had a bright smile on, thinking about how happy he would be with his mate and how his heats wouldn't be as bad. "Yuta..."
"Yes, Sicheng?"
"Can I ask a few things aswell..."
"Go ahead."
"If my heat comes whilst I'm still here, could you look after me until it's finished? I don't have my mate yet and it's hell on my own." Sicheng frowned and looked down slightly whilst Yuta just smiled sweetly at him "of course I will, Sicheng." Yuta smiled and stroked his head gently. "Also, you can do stuff, right? Like, not just teleport and grow teeth to suck people's blood out with." Yuta chuckled a little bit before picking up his hand and putting his fingers in front of their faces for Sicheng to see. "Watch." He said softly, slightly smirking as he clicked his fingers and a small fire appeared above his fingers. Sicheng gasped and jumped back, eyes briefly turning amber. Yuta stroked over Sicheng's cheek comfortingly. "It's ok. It's just me." Yuta reasured before sitting up slightly, aiming his hand at the fireplace. "Don't be too scared, yeah?" Yuta said before the tiny fire shot out of his hand and towards the fireplace, lighting it immediately. Sicheng stared in awe as Yuta smiled at Sicheng's reaction "I can also move really fast, generate wind, see in the dark and grow wings and fly.." Yuta stated, laying back down beside Sicheng. "That's so cool, Yuta. I've always wanted to fly.." they paused for a bit before Sicheng spoke again. "Can you eat garlic or is that thing just a myth?" Yuta glared at Sicheng through the corner of his eye making Sicheng flinch back in fear. "I-I'm sorry. I was j- just c-curious." Sicheng stuttered, looking down. Yuta's eyes softened as he thumbed Sicheng's cheek making him look up at him.

"You don't have to look down all the time, ok? I'm not going to scold you for being disrespectful or anything like that. Hmm?" Yuta's voice was soft and gentle, making Sicheng feel safe. He sighed and nodded, moving a little closer to Yuta. "Are you sleepy?" Yuta asked softly, gently holding Sicheng. "A little. Your voice is really relaxing." Yuta chuckled slightly and pushed Sicheng's hair out of his face "Do you like relaxing voices?" Yuta asked, bringing Sicheng's head to his chest. "Yes. I like them very much." They both smiled warmly at eachother before Sicheng buried his face in Yuta's chest again and Yuta moved so his lower body was pressed against Sicheng. Sicheng felt Yuta's legs touching his own making him flinch in response but not daring to move away.

"Do you think that...." Yuta started, pausing to slowly tangle their legs together, looking towards Sicheng to see his reaction. Sicheng hummed and moved his legs with Yuta's to make it easier for him to put them together. "...your mate would have a relaxing voice?" Sicheng sharply inhaled and tensed slightly, holding onto Yuta. "I don't know. M-maybe. If....If that's even possible....."

Yuta looked down at Sicheng, worried. "What do you mean? Are you ok?" Sicheng tensed again and held onto Yuta tighter. "I...I-" Sicheng started
"It's ok. Take deep breaths." Yuta said, rubbing circles into Sicheng's back and stroking his head. "I, I think I found my mate b-but I... it can't be them. I don't think it's possible." Sicheng sighed and moved slightly away from Yuta. Yuta grabbed onto Sicheng tighter. "Why don't you think it's possible? Who is she?" Yuta asked
"He, actually...."
"You like...guys?" Sicheng nodded and turned over, hiding his face in his hands, hiding himself from Yuta. "Hey, Sicheng. It's ok, I'm not gonna judge. I like guys too."
"Yeah. Now turn back over and tell me about him." Sicheng rolled back over and sighed, looking into Yuta's eyes. "I can't tell you about him. I barely know him."

"Is it that alpha from earlier today? Sorry for killing him in front of you like that.." Yuta brushed Sicheng's hair away from his forehead only for it to fall back into the same place. His fingers lightly grazing his skin. "It's not him. I'm not actually mad at you for killing him. You must have been thirsty." Sicheng bit his lip.
"But wasn't it hard to watch? I killed someone from your species."
"I know. Murder is not really a rare occurrence in situations like those."
"What do you mean?"
"I've seen it happen before. Two wolves are together, an alpha comes along, wanting to have sex with the omega. The alphas will fight over the omega and usaly, one dies." Yuta's eyes widened.
"My goodness. I feel bad for the omega who has to watch that. I'm sorry you had to."
"It's ok. It makes a nice change anyway."
"What are you saying? Have you been in that situation before?"
"Well, sort of."
"Sort of?"
"All the times I've been in that situation.....I...I never had an alpha to protect me so I've either smelt them and ran away before they find me or.....I dont get away in time...."
"That's terrible..." Sicheng nodded and Yuta hugged him tightly. "I'll protect you from now on. Until you find your mate, I'll protect you."
"T-thank you, alpha~"

Royalty [NCT bxb Series]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें