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Jeno's POV

Jeno's footsteps echoed through the hallway as he went to the servant's quarters. He needed to talk to Mark. His boyfriend/fiancé couldn't be bitten either. he wanted advice from him.

"Mark hyung! I came to talk to you!"
"Cool! How have you been?"
"Not bad. I'm back with my boyfriends now. I'm happy to be able to see them again" Jeno smiled warmly at his hyung who smiled back.
"I heard. Apparently you made like a lot of progress very quickly! His majesty offered Jaehyun hyung like a huge promotion last night, you were already back with your family then tho. Also, he brought someone back with him, I think he's part of your pack..."
"So that's where Lucas went..."
"Yeah, thats his name. Lucas. I spoke with him for a bit, he's nice. I like him. Like, I dont have too much time right now, what was it that you wanted?"
"Err, I know that you can't bite your Donghyuck so I just wanted to know how you control it..."
"Ah~ I heard that cravings are the hardest thing to get over for a new vampire like you."
"Yeah. Renjun injured himself today whilst hunting and he was bleeding a lot. He let me drink the blood that he was bleeding out but now I want to taste it more~"
"Ah~ wrong move. I bet it tasted good huh?" Jeno nodded. "You're probably dehydrated or you drink too much of the wrong blood if you fully cant control your cravings. Either way, its not healthy. Human blood is best for us. First level humanoid is second best, second level humanoid blood is ok, third level is not ideal and fourth level humanoid is just about as good as drinking animal blood."

Attack on Titan style mini explanation:

-First level humanoids are mostly human with identifying features so they differ from a human. (Eg: single form hybrids (a hybrid that can't change into the animal they're a hybrid of but would still have the ears, tail and a few characteristics of that animal) and semi double form hybrids(similar to double form hybrids but they're born in their human form)
If bitten by a venomous humanoid (eg. vampires and werewolves) they will turn into that species of humanoid

-Second level humanoids have either two distinct forms (eg. double form hybrids (the same as semi double form hybrids but are born as the animal they're a hybrid of) and half form mermaids (look like a human when out of water but when in water only gain a fishtail, gills, webbed hands and feet [Haechan]) or one that can look like a human when the being chooses to (eg. vampires) as they can alter their appearance on command (turn their eyes red, grow wings, make their teeth long and sharp and grow horns (this only occurs when they're really angry, using their power for an extended period of time or feeding past the capacity of their heart).)
If bitten by a venomous humanoid, half form mermaids would turn into the species of hybrid that bit them as the form they were born in isn't starkly different from a human form. Double form hybrids won't change as they are born in their animal form. As vampires are venomous humanoids, they can not change when bitten.

- Third level humanoids have two forms (one human one not). They can freely change between the two and alter their human form to resemble their other form more (eg werewolves can switch between wolf and human form as they please but can also make their eyes yellow or grow their teeth to resemble that of their wolf's) despite being able to freely switch, there are certain times where they can't control it and transform against their will. This usually happens in time with the moon's phases (werewolves transform into their wolf form automatically on full moons.)
As they are born in their non human form, they will not change when bitten by other venomous humanoids.

-Fourth level humanoids have two forms and are born in their least human form (full form mermaids and demons) . Their more human form doesn't fully resemble a human (a full form mermaid would look like a half form mermaid in water when in their more human form and demons look like vampires with horns, teeth, eyes and wings in their more human form.(a full form mermaid's non human form is a fish whilst a demon's non human form is a beast).)
These humanoids will not change humanoid species when bitten by a venomous humanoid as neither of their forms are human enough.

Back to the story

"I haven't drunk much since I left~ now I just want to drink him-"
"Woah. Calm down." Mark said whilst handing him a cup. "Whenever you feel like that, move away from him and drink lots of human blood." Jeno raised an eyebrow at the elder before taking a sip. "Ahh~ whilst you were here, you only learnt about your powers, not how to feed.. it's alright, I'll tell you the main parts now." Jeno nodded as he drained the glass, Mark watching quite intently. "You must have been thirsty. For a vampire of your size, its ideal for you to drink the equivalent of three humans a week so that's roughly four pints of human blood a day. Its fine if you dont drink that much in a day, no one really does but if you loose control of your cravings, drink human blood and a lot of it."


"Where do I get the human blood from tho?"
"Yeah. It's best if you fill their mouth before you start feeding. They all scream so loud~ where else did you think human blood came from?"
"It's fine. I guess you're not used to killing people.. you'll get used to that too-" Mark was cut off by footsteps headed towards them both. He turned around to see Haechan wearing black jeans and an oversized white Tshirt with nothing on his feet.

"The king wants you now. You're late." The mermaid said unphased.
"Well, thanks for keeping track of time for me."
"That's not my job."
"Did you tell him what I was doing?"
"Not my job, idiot." Mark sighed before a shoe was thrown at him. "Go! He's already angry at you!"
"Sorry for cutting this short, Jeno. I'll continue this another time~" the eldest said as he fixed his uniform before running to the door. He was stopped by Donghyuck's hand on his as he passed him. "What!?" Donghyuck pouted before pointing to his lips. Mark smiled before softly kissing him. The kiss didn't even last three seconds as Mark pulled away and ran out the door. Jeno smiled at the sight as he suddenly started to want his omegas.

Haechan noticed Jeno's smile before going over to him. "You two are engaged, right?" Jeno asked.
"Yeah. We hope to get married around Christmas. The sun isn't good for either of us besides, snow is really beautiful." Haechan explained, Jeno smiled and hummed. "What were you here for? He never has people over."
"Advice.... on feeding.."
"Oh~ I know that a vampire's lifestyle is very different from the one you're used to. It must be hard to adjust. Shall we walk?" Jeno nodded before the both of them walked out the door.


"I've been trying to get Mark hyung to bite me but he doesn't want to because I'll loose my tail. I can tell he secretly wants to do it but the fact that my tail will split for good conflicts him a bit... Do you know who marked you that night?"
"Jaehyun hyung told me it's a dead mark. Apparently they died that same night." Jeno said as he ghosted his fingers over the bite marks in his neck from when he was bitten.
"Ah~ so you're not bound to anyone.."
"No. No one other than Jaemin and Renjun."
"Your mates... why don't you bring them here? Do they need to be in the wıld?"
"Well no but it's best for Renjun. Hes a werewolf so its healthy for him to have easy access to a forest.."
"What about you and Jaemin?"
"Jaemin said he liked it here when he came to visit me but he also likes it over there."
"What about you? You need to be here. You're also their Alpha, if you come and stay here, they'll be dying to follow you. If not, you could force them..."
"I'm not going to force them to do anything."
"Awe, how considerate."
"Did Mark force you here or something?"
"No. He spent most of his time here because of his work as the Kings servant. I decided to move here because I missed him. Since I came, he requested an aquarium to be built for me so I can swim and I won't be as homesick. He hadn't claimed me at that time so he couldn't really force me to do anything even if he wanted to." Jeno hummed.
"Do you think I could request a forest for Renjun?"
"Yeah! The king likes you anyway. Even if he says no, the prince will be able to convince him because he would need it to teach his cubs to hunt... ah, the guards have come out already, it must be mid day. Lets hurry back now." Haechan said as he dragged Jeno to walk quicker.


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