chapter 8

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This happened all day until Sicheng was stable enough to do a little bit of walking. Yuta made sure he was well fed and hydrated before teleporting them to an area close to where Sicheng lived. Sicheng led him to his house whilst Yuta was carrying him bridal style."We're close. I can smell them.." Sicheng told Yuta before he pecked his cheeks. "Good boy.."


"Hey, Kun! Sicheng's back!" Xiaojun shouted, picking up his scent.
"Yeah, but he's not alone and in heat..." added Ten
"We should probably go get him.." suggested Lucas before walking out the front door with the other two wolves before transforming to find Sicheng.

After a minute, Lucas found him and howled to get the other two to go to him which they did after a few seconds.


"Lucas? What are you doing here? I was just coming back." Lucas looked up at Yuta and growled, transforming back into human form to glare at Yuta. "Sicheng, who's this?" Lucas asked, still glaring. "This is Yuta. He's-" "A vampire." Lucas cut him off.
"Come on, Sicheng. Let's just go back, yeah?" Ten suggested, gently holding Sicheng's shoulder, helping him out of Yuta's arms. "Ok, but... can Yuta come too?"
"HUH? We're ok with hybrids but not vampires. They're completely different to us. Besides, you're in heat, does he even know what a heat is!?"
"Yes! I told him..."
"Oh my gosh," Lucas said, stressed out, pacing. "You go to the city to find your mate but come back with this vampire?"
"This vampire IS my mate."
"Stop with the bs, Sicheng. We both know that's not possible."
"That's what I thought too... mates are suppost to smell similar, right? You can check."
"How do I know you didn't leave your scent on him?"
"Because you would be smelling my scent and not his. Duh."

Lucas proceeded to sniff Yuta's wrist before looking up at him. "Sicheng, you started your heat today?"
"He's been looking after you?"
"His name is Yuta?"
"Do they smell similar?" Xiaojun asked and Lucas nodded.

"Allow me to apologise. I was trying to look after my family." Lucas said, kneeling down on one knee in front of Yuta with his head down. "It's ok. I understand.." Yuta replied, gesturing for Lucas to stand. Sicheng smiled and ruffled Lucas's hair and Xiaojun back hugged Sicheng. "We're going back now?" Xiaojun asked and the rest nodded "What about Yuta?" Sicheng asked "if he's your mate, I see no reason why he shouldn't join us." Lucas said with a smile as they all transformed and ran back to their house, Yuta following carrying Sicheng.


"Lucas, I thought you would have gotten rid of the other one." Commented Kun as the 4 wolves returned, along with the vampire. "I was going to, but.." Lucas started
"He's Sicheng's mate." Finished Xiaojun.
"Yeah, Lucas even checked. It's legit." Ten added.
"Don't say 'legit' ever again."
"Guys, let Sicheng explain for himself uninterrupted."
"What do you want me to explain?"
"Who he is and how you met."

*insert an explanation*

"He does smell similar to you... Come here, Sicheng." Kun called and Sicheng walked over to him with Yuta still firmly holding his hand. Kun cupped his face and inspected his facial expressions. "You're in pain.."
"I'm in heat.."
"I can tell...." Kun then ran his hands over his neck, inspecting it too.

"What's this?" Kun asked, fingers ghosting over the holes on his neck.
"Oh, that. Erm~" Sicheng started to explain.
"That was me. It was my fault..." Yuta said, stepping forward with his head down.
"Well, I-"
"I let him do it, alpha."
"He..was thirsty....."
"No, Sicheng. I lost control over myself one night and almost killed you."
"But I got you off me before you could even bite me. You apologised the next morning, gave me food and milk before I let you bite me."
"It's still my fault. I'm sorry.." Kun sighed heavily at the two
"It doesn't matter who's fault it is, now I know what hap-" Kun was cut off by Sicheng letting out a loud whine, doubling over in pain. "I'm sorry.." Sicheng whimpered weakly, holding Yuta's arm. "Please may we leave?" Sicheng asked and Kun nodded. Yuta immediately picked Sicheng up and walked him to his room, commimg out an hour later for food and drink for the younger and a change of clothes. The rest shared knowing glances and then stared, intrigued as they watched Yuta rush around as he tried to help Sicheng as best as he could.

After Yuta had washed, fed and put Sicheng to sleep, Yuta retrieved all of Sicheng's stuff from the apparent in the human world and returned it to his room.
Following everything that had happened that day, Yuta was tired and needed sustenance. He teleported himself back to the castle to eat before commimg back and snuggling next to Sicheng and holding him protectively before falling asleep himself.


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