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<a week later>


Jeno was in the courtyard of Yuta's palace, training his new powers whilst Jaehyun was observing as his trainer. "Now try not to burn your clothes this time!" Jaehyun spoke to Jeno who was on the other side of the grass to him
"Okay!" Jeno said back before directing his fire at the the target again.

Jaehyun was a friend of Johnny's. They met in America and Johnny was able to get him a job in the military to train soldiers to use their powers in combat as opposed to just their weapons. This made him best fit to help Jeno control and effectively use his powers.

"Well~ at least you didn't set yourself on fire again.. Try to hit the target this time!"
"I'll try~" Jeno uttered before trying again.
"How about you take a break now, Jeno?" Jaehyun suggested. Jeno nodded before walking over to the table a bit behind him, Jaehyun doing the same. "You're improving. You're learning how to suppress your powers, which is good but now focus more on using and controlling them."
"I'm bad at that.."
"Don't worry. It comes with time and practice. I don't expect you to get it right away..."
"I know, I know.."
"Feel useless because you haven't mastered it?"
"Don't worry about that.. when you're able to hit that target without thinking, you'll feel proud of yourself and wont feel so useless. Trust me. Also, those two boyfriends of yours love you no less." Jaehyun smiled at Jeno who smiled at the mention of his omegas before receiving a squeeze on his shoulder from Jaehyun "they're bound to be impressed, even if you cant hit the target."

"I want to see them again." Jeno sighed whilst looking down.
"I know. I'm not allowed to let you go tho.."
"But I can suppress it now.. it wont happen again!"
"Not my orders. I've been told to keep you here, in this part of the palace until you can control and use your powers effectively. You haven't done that yet so can't let you go, unfortunately. I mean... you burnt down your room and almost killed those two omegas. The last time you were with them, you couldn't control your eyes and they were scared of you. It will take time but we have time and it's been less than a week and you've already made so much progress. You should be out of here by the time the month ends." Jeno growled lowly as he glared at the target. "Try writing to them. It could help."
"Try. Ok?" Jaehyun said softly as Jeno sighed, nodding. "Go back to your room now. Write them a letter. Tell them you miss them and you love them, it'll put a smile on their faces." Jeno nodded before running back to his room to write them a letter.



I'm sorry for not responding to any letters being sent, training has been taking up all my time and energy that I couldn't read or respond to them. I'm sorry.

Jaehyun said that I've improved and should be able to leave by the end of the month! I'm excited and can't wait to see (cuddle) the both of you again :)

I would also like to apologise for the last time I saw you guys. My need for blood is still very young so I can't really control it, nor do I know much about it just yet. I'm sorry for scaring you like that.. I hope it doesn't happen again

I hope I get to see you both soon. I'm going crazy without having the pair of you in my arms whilst I sleep... at least you have each other and Kun to rely upon.

Remember to go to Kun whenever you need comfort, help or support in any way. You need an Alpha right now, only alphas can comfort you both the way you need at the moment.

Jaehyun's been helping me a lot when I feel sad about stuff. It's nice but not as good as if I had you both here with me right now :(

I love you and miss you both so so so much and I cant wait to see you again..



<time skip>
<next morning>


Jeno opened his eyes as he yawned and sat up. His eyes focused and landed on Jaehyun who was stood at the door, holding a piece of paper in his hands. "You do realise that you dont need to sleep as much anymore, right?" Jaehyun asked. Jeno smiled slightly as he nodded, rubbing his eyes.
"It's a habit I guess.."
"Hmm. They wrote back to you," Jeno's eyes widned a bit, looking over at Jaehyun. "Maybe you want to write back to them before breakfast. You might get another one back after practice." Jaehyun smiled. Jeno smiled back at him before making grabby hands at the letter he was holding. The elder laughed a bit as he handed it over to the boy who was quick to open it before leaving the room to let him read it in privacy.

To our Nono♡♡

Thank you for writing to us. We were beginning to think you'd forgotten us :'( . We were so excited when we heard you wrote. Renjun hyung got really emotional and almost cried. He's been crying a lot recently, I think he misses you and is just happy to finally hear from you.

I really want to visit you again but everyone's saying that you're too dangerous at the moment.. I dont think you are. I trust that you wont hurt us~♡ even by accident~♡ Renjun says that I'm just being wishful and overly romantic by saying that but I dont think so.. do you? But..I do genuinely believe you wont hurt us.. when you accidentally burnt down our room, the only place left untouched was our side of the bed, your side was burnt to a crisp. Idk. Maybe it's nothing but I still think so.

Kun's been helping us a lot. Your absence has been affecting our moods quite a bit so he helps us when we're quick to anger, sad, worried, stressed, etc. He calms us down and feeds us. I dont know about Injunie but it makes me feel better. After he leaves, I feel more sad because the comforts gone and it reminds me that you're not here anymore. I want you back :(

To make it better for us, can you send us your scent? Preferably on a hoodie. I miss smelling your scent. Also, I wouldn't have to go to Kun as much if I had your scent.

Please come out soon. I miss your kisses♡
I love you

-Your precious Nana♡


Our Nono,

Being without our Alpha is so hard. Jaemin has been trying to act strong for me because I'm the more emotional one out of us but it's hard for him, especially when his natural omega takes over.

He went into heat a few days ago and we both feel so helpless. I can't satisfy his heat and he can't cheer me up. He keeps calling for you.

But don't rush yourself. Things take time so don't try too hard to master your new powers. Take it slow and you'll get there in the end. It will come to you eventually. I know it will.

Have you been feeding? I know you don't like it but you have to feed. Most food will make you sick now and I don't want your health to deteriorate. Maybe.. I'll let you feed from me when they let you out ;)

Hope you're ok♡
Don't fall into any bad habits♡
Stay you♡
Because we love you♡
And we need you back♡

- Your Injunie♡

Jeno smiled upon reading the metters from his omegas. He quickly scented his hoodie as he wrote back to them. After he finished the letter, he wrapped the hoodie and attached the letter to it. He then decided to write a letter of thanks to Kun for looking after them and taking up the role of Alpha for him. He sealed the letter and handed it to a servant, requesting for it to be delivered to them.


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