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<one month later>


"Thank you for the offer, your majesty, your highness. I'm honoured but I'll have to pass. My omegas need me and they wont be able to adjust to a new life so quickly. I have to go back to them." Jeno said whilst kneeling with his head lowered.
"That's fair. You've been without each other for ages. Go back to them." The prince, Sicheng said softly, smiling at him. Jeno smiled back.
"Thank you, your highness." Both Jeno and Sicheng giggled slightly, not used to using such honourifics for each other.
"I like you, Jeno. Feel free to come here whenever you want. You can bring the two aswell."
"Thank you, your majesty. You are too kind." The king, Yuta smiled fondly at Jeno before sending him off. The Alpha stood up before bowing and walking off to the door at the end of the hall. Sicheng stopped him.
"Also, Jeno.. tell everyone back home I said hi." He smiled and nodded at the request before he teleported himself out of the hall and to his part of the palace.


"Oh. Hey, Jeno! I thought you were going back."
"Yeah. I- I am. I haven't teleported to the human world yet...could you take me? Besides, everyone wants to meet you to thank you." Jeno smiled at Jaehyun before holding onto his arm and tightening his grip on his luggage. Jaehyun sighed and patted his head.
"Fine, I'll take you. I wont be staying for long tho." The elder sighed before teleporting them both to the house.



"Jeno!!" Jaemin shouted as soon as he smelt his scent was close. He ran towards the scent and wrapped his arms around him, smiling uncontrollably and squeezing him tight. Jeno laughed a bit before hugging him back, holding him just as tight and kissing his forehead. "Wheres Renjun? Did he stay back?"
"Yeah, he did.... Hi, Jaehyun. Thank you for taking care of him and teaching him how to control himself~" Jaemin said as he bowed towards him. Jeno smiled and held Jaemin's waist. Jaehyun also smiled.
"No need to thank me~"
"Let's go back now, yeah?" Jeno suggested as he rubbed circles into Jaemin's side with his thumb. Jaehyun smiled at the sight before following the two to their house.


As soon as he returned, he was bombarded with hugs. But was soon able to break free of them, Renjun jumped up into his arms and kissed him lovingly. "Glad to have you back, Alpha."
"Glad to be back." Jeno smiled before setting Renjun back onto his feet.

"Guys, this is Jaehyun. He trained me and if it wasnt for him, I wouldn't be back here now." Jeno introduced and everyone thanked him.

After a while, Jeno noticed that Jaehyun kept looking at someone in particular. 'He shouldn't be staring like that,' Jeno thought 'someone could think he's interested in someone and their mate could get possessive~ everyone here has a mate other than one person but theres no way they could be mates.'

"Jeno~ stay with Jaemin whilst I make him some food!"
"I'll do it, you can relax."
"Considering you dont eat our food anymore,, its probably best if I make it." Jeno nodded and pulled him in for a kiss before going to Jaemin.


As soon as Jeno got on the bed, Jaemin pounced on him and attacked him with kisses. Jeno laughed before pulling him closer and kissing him fully on the lips. "I missed you, Alpha." Jaemin smiled
"I missed you too."
"Show me something."
"Show you what?"
"Ermm.. I can fly-"
"Can you fly whilst holding two people?"
"Er, I guess so?"
"Could you fly whilst holding us?"
"Maybe.. I haven't tried."
"Please?" Jaemin pleaded, his ears flattening a bit
"Dont look at me like that~ you know I can't say no to you like that~ It could be dangerous, I could drop you or hit you with my wing.." Jaemin frowned before Renjun walked in, carrying food for the youngest.

"Injunie~ have you eaten?"
"Yes. I ate before you returned." Renjun smiled at his Alpha before going into his chest for a hug. After they broke away, Jeno pulled him in for a long, chaste kiss. Renjun smiled into it and kissed back before they both felt Jaemin crawl in between them and sat on their lap
"Kitten?" Jaemin smiled at the name as he pecked both of them on the lips before continuing to eat his food.



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