chapter 14

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"Sichengie, get up. I've got breakfast for you~" Sicheng's head lifted up from his thick, soft fur as he yawned and hid his eyes in Yuta's thigh. After a few mins, Sicheng sat up and planted his head into Yuta's neck. Yuta stroked the fur on his back before pulling him up by the back of his neck. "Eat." Sicheng whimpered and looked up at Yuta before turning to eat the meat in front of him, Yuta still stroking his back.

After he had finished eating, he turned his head back round to face the older who smiled at him before he transformed himself to his human form. "Thank you, Yuta." Sicheng smiled brightly at Yuta before kissing his cheek.
"For what?" Yuta smiled too
"For letting me transform and getting me breakfast." Yuta brought both of their smiling lips together in a soft kiss as he hugged Sicheng's smaller form and lightly traced his sides with his finger tips. Sicheng let out a soft moan before hugging him back.

"You're so beautiful as a wolf, Sicheng~" Sicheng's smile grew even more before he kissed Yuta's neck softly. "Do you prefer it in wolf form? Is it more natural for you?" Yuta asked Thumbing Sicheng's cheek
"Both is ok but I can go my whole life as a wolf but not as a human~ we're born a wolf so...."
"Ok. You should be a wolf more often then." Yuta said before moving his hands back down to Sicheng's waist.

"Don't you find it weird? Me being able to change form like this... I-"
"It's not weird, just very diffrent from what I usaly see but I like it. I like you being able to do this and I think me liking it has helped me to get past the difference. Your wolf form is so beautiful anyways it's hard to think it's weird."
Sicheng smiled and nuzzled his head into Yuta's neck "you're so cute, Sicheng." Yuta hugged his waist and held him softly. "We've got a very short day today, we should finish before it gets dark so I can return you to your pack before the moon comes out.."
"You ok?"
"I think you forgot." Sicheng giggled to himself
"What? What did i forget?"
"I was meant to be home last night." Sicheng laughed even more and Yuta inwardly cursed
"I'll take you back now?" Yuta asked and Sicheng nodded, holding onto Yuta as he teleported them back.


"Sicheng! Why weren't you back last night? We were all worried for you!" Kun greeted Sicheng as soon as he could smell him.
"I'm sorry, I was with Yuta.." Kun rolled his eyes at Sicheng before glancing over to Yuta "I'm not done with you, Sicheng. Your punishment is coming." Kun threatened before walking out the room. "Yuta, you can go back now. Kun's kinda mad that I was with you in the first place and you have to go back anyways~"
"If you say so. Would you like me to come back or..."
"No! It's ok. J- just go now."
"Ok." Yuta sighed and kissed his forehead. "I love you." Yuta said softly before leaving. Sicheng sat on the bed and sighed. 'Sorry, Yuta." Sicheng said in his head.

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