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A week later


Jaemin panted heavily, letting out groans as beads of sweat ran down his hot body. He raised a hand and put it on his chest, feeling his erratic heart beat. "IINJEON SSIiiII~!"
"WHAT!? We just ran so far! How do you sound so energetic!?"
"mᎽ hᎬᎪᏒᏆ's bᎬᎪᏆᎥᏁᎶ sᎾ fᎪsᏆ ᎥᏁjᎬᎾᏁ ssᎥ~"
"...I would be concerned if it wasn't. Have you been drinking coffee?? Its bad for you.."
"I knooww~ ah... so cute~"
"Preheat Renjunie is adorable!" Jaemin comes as he rolled over to him started playing with his hair and pinching his cheeks chanting 'so cute' as if he was cooing at a baby.
"Ya! Stop it!" (A/N "hey stob it!" I'm sorry) Renjun growled as he swatted Jaemin's hands away in annoyance and walked back to the hut, rolling his eyes. Jaemins smile never left his face and his happiness never left as he began to purr loudly, rolling around in the grass.

"Jaeminie's being weird again :(" renjun pouted as he kissed Jeno's cheek.
"Is he? He probably thinks that about you. I know he does about me."
"Hes rolling around on the ground, purring and smiling like an idiot making weird sounds." Jeno laughed.
"That's because hes happy, idiot!" Jeno smiled and lightly bonked him. "I'll go check on him to make sure he doesnt start eating grass or something."
"Good idea."

Jeno picked up a bottle of water before making his way outside. Jaemin tends to get dehydrated after his heat.
"Nana~ let's go inside now!" Jeno called as he rubbed his sides gently.
"Not yet NonO! I have to get my heartbeat down" Jaemin pouted putting a hand on his heart
"It's stable enough.. you'll be fine." Jeno moved to pick him off the floor earning a long, loud whine from the cat hybrid. Jeno sighed before sitting next to his head, cradling it slightly.

"Open up, baby!" The vampire cooed, softly running his fingers under his chin. The cat hybrid's mouth opened as soon as he saw the bottle of water. Jeno unscrewed the lid and carefully poured it into his mouth, watching as he happily drank it. After Jaemin had a few gulps, Jeno went back to rubbing comforting circles into his stomach. Jaemin purred again, smiling uncontrollably.

"Baby, I think your heart's back to normal.." Jaemin hummed in agreement, hugging Jeno's thigh. "Do you wanna cuddle?" Jaemin nodded. "Let's get back then-" jeno felt a strong tug at his clothes at the mention of going back. "What is it baby?" Jeno looked down at the younger, thumbing over his cheeks
"Ive been thinking about this for a long time now..."
" I want you to bite me"
Jeno froze "w-what?"
"I'm sure. I'll have you to hold my hand through the transformation process, training and getting used to my new life, I'll be able to dom both Renjun and you, we'll be able to drink from each other and Renjun at the same time. Itll be more interesting this way. Please?"

Jeno smiled slightly, sitting Jaemin on his lap. "Omega.. are you sure you've thought about this?"
"And you're sure you want it?"
"Ofc! I'm sure."
Jeno slowly removed the clothes that were around his neck, exposing the pure soft skin.
"You're going to pass out, you know?"
"Ill ask you once more. Are you sure about this? You can tell me to stop now and before I bite you. After I bite you, its done."
"I'm sure, Jeno! Please.."

The vampire sucked at Jaemin's neck, creating a hickey. The purple mark telling Jeno where to bite. Jeno's teeth grew as he looked at Jaemin, looking for signs of distress or discomfort. After finding none, Jeno carefully pushed his teeth into his neck, earning a hushed whimper from Jaemin at the pain and the venom leaving Jeno's teeth. Pulling away for a second, Jeno cooed at the younger. "Baby tastes so good." He cooed before going back to drinking the younger, moaning slightly from time to time because of the taste.

Jeno's venom quickly spread around Jaemin's body, slowly forcing parts of his body to shut off, preparing him
for the transformation. Jaemin shuddered and held onto Jeno the best he could. Jeno responded by holding Jaemin firmly, rubbing his back, calming him, communicating that hes there for him through his touches. Jaemin seemed to get it as he relaxed in his arms.

After a minute or so, Jaemin let out a soft whimper and tried to push Jeno off him. "J-jeno.. Alpha.. I feel funny.. I feel weak.. l-like I can't move.. stop." Jeno held Jaemin's arms in place to stop him from using energy, putting the hands back down. The elder slowly removed his teeth and licked over the holes, getting the remaining blood off his neck before applying pressure onto it.

"Are you ok, baby?"
"I-I.... I'm..." Jaemin stuttered before looking into Jeno's eyes. Fear and confusion was apparent on his face as his eyes slowly began to loose focus and his arms frantically grabbed onto anything that they could reach.
"You're going to pass out now. Relax, I'll be here when you wake up." Jeno whispered before closing Jaemins eyes with his fingers, kissing his face gently. Jaemin nodded before slowly losing consciousness.
Jeno cooed st the sight of unconscious Jaemin as he carried him to his bed, laying him down comfortably, not without getting a look from Renjun.

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