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Clay pov:

I stand in the hallway still shocked over hearing sapnap's words "hey clay" I hear that sweet voice call "hey George!" I shout a little to loud "woah no need to wake everyone in Australia up" he laughs causing me to chuckle. I brief moment happens where we are both in a comfortable silence until I decide to break it "hey so I know we don't have a session later but can I come round like after school to just hang out or something?" He looks at me and smiles softly even turning slightly red for whatever reason "yeah that sound nice" he answers "ok cool I'll see you after school!" I shout slightly softer as I head into class 'maybe I should've said something about sapnap' I thought however quickly dismissed the idea.

The final bell for school finally goes and I wait at the front entrance, until I see George leaving being shadowed by sapnap who occasionally pulls George's hair, although as soon as he sees me sapnap backs of smiling innocently. "You ok?" I ask only to get a small nod in return "ready to go?" This time his response was much more chipper almost jumping from excitement.

We finally get to the familiar sight of George's house as we enter "I don't think anyone else is home" he says as he closes the door taking his shoes off and his bag "good to know" I joke winking at him causing him to go red 'was that too much' I ask myself "anyway why did you suddenly want to hang out?" George asks "what, can I not just want to hang out with you" I ask putting him in a friendly head lock. Eventually I release him and ask "wanna play 20 questions romantic edition?"  He turns to me puzzled "what?" He asks "what is that?" He continues. I take my bag of slowly and reach into it and pull out a bottle of vodka "so we ask questions about each other's love life and if we don't we have to take a shot" I smile. As I open my eyes he stares at me looking uncomfortable "we er we don't have to play" I continue "no no it's fine but I'm willing to tell you anything so I'll pass on the drinking part" he smiles returning to his previous self "alrighty then".

After about an hour or so of small questions George finally asks me a big one "who's your most recent ex and why did you two break up?" I looked down at my hands and then back at George "well I've only got one ex, and we broke up because he cheated on me-" George interrupts "he!? I'm so sorry I didn't know" he apologises "no no it's fine I just never told you, well now you know anyway yeah I'm gay have been for a while, my parents took it well, but anyway I had this boyfriend and we were dating for a few months, 5 to be exact and one night I went to his house to surprise him and he was being fucked by some other guy" I finish, George looks at me face riddled with sympathy as he leans in closer to me wrapping his arms around me "I'm so sorry, how could anyone ever cheat on you" I blush slightly as he pulls away "what do you mean?" I ask "well it's obvious, your the most handsome person I've ever seen and I've spent my fair share of men, you're also so incredibly kind and- and just perfect" he finishes slowly inching closer "are you- like- are you like me?" I ask sounding like an idiot "If you mean gay then yes" he responds.

I cup his cheek whilst he leans into my palm "you're adorable" I say "please you could have your pick from anyone, why choose me" he asks getting redder by the second "don't ever sell yourself short you're incredibly smart and so kind like you willingly helped me get better in my subjects, and you look perfect everyday and your hair is so soft and smooth and I ju-" I stop myself as I couldn't hold it in any longer, I close the small gap between us and kiss his lips. They were so much softer than I could have ever imagined and seemed to move in sync with mine, my hand moves from his cheek to the back of his neck moving him closer even though it was impossible. I feel his hands move to my hair gripping it and holding it for his life.

The kiss breaks only so we could catch a breathe, as soon as we both take a breathe we go straight back to each other. This goes on for at least 5 minutes before it comes to a stop "oh my go- you have no idea how long I've wanted to so that" George admits "aww did little Georgie have a crush on me?" I tease "shut up" he shouts, suddenly the door opens and in walks George's mum "I'm hom- oh hi clay!" She exclaims "hello mrs Davidson" I respond "are you staying for dinner?" She asks I turn to George who was overwhelmed with embarrassment so I take that as a que to leave "oh no it's getting Late and my mum should be expecting me home soon" I say passing her as I leave taking one quick glance at George and winking causing him to explode.

On my walk home I feel as if I'm on cloud 9 and untouchable.

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