He couldn't

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Techno pov:

This was bad. That irritating tattle, he pay for this. I think fast to come up with a some what convincing lie "there's a good reason for that" I nearly shout almost a bit to quickly, clay just stood there unamused, arms crossed "uh huh" he hummed "George isn't the person you think he is, I didn't let him see you for you" I cried. Clay unhooked his arms and came towards me grabbing me by my collar "and how exactly is that for me! Cause' I just think you were being selfish and needy, I'm not yours, I might have been once but we know what happens there don't we! You fucked that up and I'm so glad you did cause George is so much better than you could ever be!" He snaps, my eyes begin to water "you're wrong... George is worse than I was, whilst you were in hospital George cheated on you!" I shout, the rage in clay's eyes made his intimidating figure even more so which I didn't think was possible "oh yeah, sure. Who with hmm? You got proof?" He asked. I reached for my phone and unlocked it going towards my photos "I was going to tell him you were allowed visitors one day and I was going to visit you with him, maybe do a whole water under the bridge situation but when I find him he was huffing nick intimately in a dark room, it couldn't have been anything else clay! I'm sorry.. I really am" I show him the photo (see chapter 'back again').

Clay's face drops, I could see tears threatening to spill "I don't- I can't- surely not" he stutters out "I'm sorry clay" I slowly reach around his shoulders and pull him into a hug. A while passes and as I begin to let go he pulls me back in leaning into my shoulder so I couldn't see his face "he's done this before" clay whispers, my eyes widen slightly "he has?" I question "yeah at that party we went to when you kissed me. I ran after George and he was making out with Nick, we spoke about it but I thought he loved me, I can't do this! It's to hard!" Clay chokes out. I hold him tightly and whisper "it's ok... I'm here for you" he hugs me closer as well "thank you techno".

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, I walk over to answer it. Upon opening the door I'm greeted with a punch off of skeppy and then another off of nick "what the fuck!" I shout "where is he!" Nick retorts however he was then punched by clay.

"Talk!... Now!"

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