Turn around

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George pov:

As I approach the house my legs begin to failing, they had been chipping away the entire walk here but I needed to get here, bad would understand wouldn't he?
I need him to, I feel he'd be to only person who would stick by me right now.
I make it to the door and knock. 3 rhythmic knocks is all it takes before bad opens the door and immediately I smell the muffins he'd been baking, that's when I fell, my legs finally gave in and I began to cry, bad quickly came to my level to hug me as always "heyyy George come on, come sit on the sofa and I'll get you a muffin then you can tell me what's happened, does that sound good?" He asks sweetly I just nod my head and make my way to the sofa. A few moments pass but eventually bad comes back with his signature blueberry muffin and hands me one "so tell me what happened, the last thing I remember is you were going to meet Nick and skeppy at techno's house to try and find clay" bad asked, I take a bite of my muffin before talking "I fuc- messed up, like really messed up" bad hums in acknowledgement so I continue "clay pretty much hates me now" bad's eyes widen "what! So that means you found him, but how could HE hate YOU" bad asks "well techno told him something that nick admitted to and when clay asked me about it I told him the truth and he- he couldn't take it so he left, understandably so. I'm awful and I'm such an idiot for what I did and now clay definitely hates me" I finish leaving bad curious "what did you do?" He asks "well remember when I snuck out and went somewhere... we'll I went to nicks house for comfort and knew thing led to another and we made out like a lot... and I-" I was cut of by Karl who I forgot was there "you and nick did what?" He asked meekly I just stared at him my face covered with sorrow "it's ok, it's just that I- I really like him" Karl admits, my heart drops "no! Fuck really I'm sorry I'm so sorry" I preach earning a small 'language' from bad "it's not that big of a deal George I'll... I'll live" he states "no you don't understand! Nick likes you too, he told me when we made out that he was thinking of you because he knew o was thinking of clay!" I shout making Karl's face drop again, I could practically hear the pain in his breathe "I need to see him" karl states blankly.

We begin walking back to techno's house as that's the last place I saw nick, I don't know why we didn't just text him but Karl wanted his to be personal instead of over a text so we walked with him, we got to techno's house and knocked on the door, Nothing.

We knocked again. Still nothing.

Eventually I had the idea to go to the living room window where everyone was earlier, however when I got to the window and looked in my heart stopped.

Clay was there.

On top of techno.

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