Chapter 27

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Hey,loves I know it's been a while! But I'm trying I'm trying my best to create a schedule where I can put more energy into my books! I love and miss you loves! 🧡💙

"Oh I missed this."

Sasuke chuckled, before taking a sip of his hot tea his eyes over his lover who was enjoying his breakfast.

"Tired of the crackers?" Sasuke asked with a smirk.

Naruto nodded rolling his eyes. He hated those high calorie crackers they could at least make them have some sort of flavor.

"Mm! I love your cooking!" Naruto shouted with such pride.

Those words brought a smile to the ravens face. Sasuke stepped up from his spot across from the blond to kiss his forehead. Naruto stopped chewing his heart warming from the small loving gesture.

'Ding dong!'

Sasuke knitted his brows he turned to stare at the door, about to stand up, but his blond beat him to it.

"I'll get it!" Naruto quickly rushed.

Naruto rushed towards the door opening the door only causing Sasuke brows to furrow. He stood up from his chair taken aback by the anbu at their doorstep. The anbu bowed along with the blond, Naruto shut the door turning around only to present a scroll in his hand.

"What is that?" Sasuke asked placing his hands on his hips.

Naruto's eyes fell over the scroll in his hands only for them to soften.


"No." Sasuke stated sternly.

He marched over to the blond to yank the scroll out of blonds hands.

"What is going on? You just got home, and now Tsunade is giving you another mission?" Sasuke asked baffled, and pissed.


The raven turned around slamming the scroll on their table.

"I don’t care if its to prove your strength for them to decide if you are fit to be hokage. They should by now you are! This is ridiculous!" Sasuke shouted.

Naruto walked over to his lover wrapping his arms around his waist, and resting his chin on his lovers shoulder. The gesture, but Sasuke to ease, but also crumble, his eyes slightly swelled with tears.

"You were gone for two weeks." Sasuke whispered.

His hands grasping on to his lover holding him tightly.

"That's the least they give you, if not you're gone longer…..they don’t even keep me away that long. They aren't even giving me as much missions either!" Sasuke snapped.

He pulled away from his lover not able to handle Naruto being gone again. He grasped the scroll opening it up only for his eyes to soften he hissed under his breath to toss the scroll across the room.

"A month!"

Naruto grasped his lover trying to calm him down his hands grabbing onto those cheeks that trickled with tears. Sasuke crumbled crying softly, as his lover brushed his nose against his.

"They're parting us more, and more…..I can't handle it." Sasuke confessed his voice breaking from his tears.

"I want to go with you….be with you…..I know you can handle yourself, but I can't take it anymore you're not home anymore, and if you are its just for a day."

Naruto's heart shattered hearing his raven so broken, but he felt the same way, but he had to hide the fact why he was away for so long.

"I'll talk to Tsunade maybe we can shorten it." Naruto persuaded.

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