Chapter 9

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Hey, loves here is the next chapter 💙🧡. I hope everyone is enjoying this story. Please vote and comment 🧡💙 I appreciate them all please enjoy!! 💙🧡


"What is the meaning of this!?" Tsunade hissed out.

"Hokage-sama we have orders to arrest Uzumaki Naruto, even if you deny it."

"By who's orders!?" Tsunade cursed out.

"The council men." The anbu men center of the two behind him revealed.

"We have to take him." The anbu confessed, before he began to approach the blond.

"Don’t you dare touch him!" Sasuke growled out, as he stood in front of the hokage who was still in the process of healing the blond.

"Like I said even if the hokage denies it he still shall be taken." The anbu bit out.

"Did the council men confess their reasonings for Naruto's taking?" Kakashi asked stepping up to tower over the anbu.

The anbu stepped back feeling an immense aura.

"Y-yes they said he is arrested for trying to attack the village." The anbu confessed.

"That's preposterous you actually think Naruto THE HERO OF THE VILLAGE WOULD ACTUALLY HARM IT!?" Tsunade roared out, as her temple vein erupted.

Sasuke eyes widen he was about to shout out a question, but held his mouth shut. He kneeled near the hokage to whisper a question.

"Tsunade you only knew of the jutsu, but you didn’t know the orders Naruto were given right?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes." The hokage confessed.

"That’s what I thought, Tsunade, before Naruto woke up Kurama was able to contact me, and tell me the orders he was given one was to kill me, while the other was to destroy the village, so how does the council men know this when Naruto was here every second of the day?" Sasuke confessed, and asked quietly.

The light blonde eyes widen, before her eyebrows narrowed in anger.

"I was able to obtain a new power where I can see visions, and the time Naruto was gone I kept having the same nightmare of these hooded figures torturing Naruto, and Kurama even confessed that the men I saw were the ones that casted the jutsu on him." Sasuke confessed.

Tsunade brows furrowed even more, before her jaw line intense indicating she was gritting her teeth.

"After I'm done healing him you are allowed to take him. I'm still the hokage of this village, and I'm still allowed to give orders. Kakashi go find Iruka, and bring him here immediately. You two well follow these anbus to where they will keep Naruto, and you will guard him." Tsuande ordered.

"Yes Hokage-sama." Kakashi bowed, before he shunshined out of the room.

"Sasuke, after they take Naruto away I want you to follow me to the hokages tower." Tsunade said.

The raven gave a nod, before his obsidian eyes fell on the wounded blond. His eyes soften then darkened in anger he had a suspicion, or clue to what was really going on, and he could tell the glow from the hokages hazel eyes, was that she was thinking the same. Tsunades eyes soften, and glowed with upcoming tears, as her hands green glow disappeared. A second later Iruka barged in with Kakashi behind. The burnet stumbled over to the blond to buckle to his knees. A hand covered his mouth, as tears fell from his dark eyes. His hands came to have its fingers brush soothingly through the blond golden locks.

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