Chapter 17

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Hey, loves here is the next update I'm sorry it took a rather long time to update this one. I have four books im working on, and when I checked the last time I updated this one I almost passed out. I love you guys and I don't ever want to make you wait for long! Please enjoy 💙🧡

Sasuke groaned, as his fingers brushed against his forehead feeling his head weighing like a ton of bricks, yet he felt light headed at the same time.

Kou took a sip of his water, before he stood up from his chair. He approached the raven who was gripping his head. Kou crouched down to Sasuke to then lift his hands to grip his wrists. The brunet pulled them away from his face to expose his dazed eyes.

Kou's eyes softened, as his fingers brushed against the ravens cheek. Sasuke was so out of it, so dazed, and lightheaded that he couldn't move an inch.

Kou stood to then bend over to lift the raven from is chair. The brunet gazed down at the raven who leaned against his chest. The warmth he felt inflicted his heart to flutter, yet ache with agonizing pain.

He walked over to his couch to delicately place the raven down. Sasuke fell over to his side, his body feeling heavy, and his strength way too weak to lift himself or even to move.

Kou fell to his knees his fingers lifting to brush an ebony lock behind his ear. Those fingers glided, and trailed Sasuke's jawline with tenderness.

"Why couldn't you choose me?" Kou whispered in such pain.

His fingers glided down the ravens neck to then stop at the exposed hickey.

He knew it.

It was possible that Sasuke accepted his rival, but he didn’t want to believe it. Kou's fingers continued to trail over to the next hickey, at the end of Sasuke's neck next to his shoulder.

Kou smiled, and chuckled, once he felt something cold press against his neck.

"Figures." He stated with a light chuckle.

He glanced behind his shoulder to catch the raven behind him with a kunai against his neck.

"You really are something Sasuke." Kou stated with a loving gaze.

Sasuke eyes soften, as anger laced in his blood.

"If, it wasn’t for my new ability, I would of truly been on that couch, because of my trust for you."

The venom in each voice stabbed Kou's heart. With a puff the clone on the couch disappeared.

"When I heard those footsteps to get your chopsticks that's when you created your clone, and hid in my room." Kou stated.

Sasuke didn't answer, Kou sighed lifting to his feet, and turning to face the raven who still had the Kunai pressed against his neck.

"I saw this would happen, but I kept pushing it away, because I trusted you." Sasuke's confessed the sting of betrayal stabbing his heart, and mind.

Kou, wanted to crumbled right then, and there.

"You know I have a hard time trusting people, especially new bonds, but I made a mistake of thinking you were different ."

Kou couldn’t take the pain in his heart that was being clogged with every emotion.






Kou took a step forward, and Sasuke didn't move an inch, as the blade pressed harsher against Kou's neck. It as just enough to break the skin inflicting a drop of blood to glide down his neck.

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