Chapter 14

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Hey, loves! I hope everyone is having a good morning, afternoon, night whatever it is for you, I just hope everyone is safe and alright. Here is the next chapter I hope you loves enjoy it!🧡💙

Naruto still stood dazed, as ever his mind recalling, and still concealing on the unbelievable news.

More like a miracle.

Still plastered on the floor going back, and forth through his dazed state, while Sasuke, and Sakura fought on keeping him there.

Sasuke's hands cupping the blonds whiskered cheeks. He slightly slapped them, more like tapped them to get his blonds attention. He witnessed his blonds orbs glisten, and gloss, as visible tears cascaded down his cheeks.

His teammates eyes widen, and body tensed both stunned by the unpredicted event. Naruto sniffled his head low, only to lift up those azure orbs lifting to peer into Sasuke's

Naruto rose a delicate hand to cup his ravens cheeks with such tenderness. That gaze staring at the raven with such preciousness.

"S-sasuke." Naruto whispered.

Sakura was beyond lost, and all she could juggle on was whether to leave, or stay. She clearly saw the blonds focus on the raven. She gulped with a calm breath she lifted her hands a green aura engulfing them. She pressed her hand against the blonds forehead, the other upon his chest. She shut her eyes focusing on searching the blonds body for any red flags.

Sasuke watched with fear, as she worked on him, while Naruto paid no attention other than him with tears.

The raven didn’t know how to act everything in his being yelled at him to hug his blond. To hold him with love, and tenderness. Heart racing, and thumping in fear of whatever was occurring, but somehow somewhere deep inside his heart, he felt it was not bad.

Nothing negative.

But positive.

It was like that thrill you experience with you wake up, and lift yourself from bed. You don't feel tried, nor feeling like falling back to sleep, yet you feel awake, and ready to attack the day, because you knew, and felt that this day was yours.

Meant for you to enjoy.

"I don’t see anything wrong." Sakura confessed removing her hands from the blond.

Sakura witnessed, the blond lean over to collide against the ravens shoulder cuddling up like a small child. Sasuke entangled his arm around the blonds back for the other to massage his golden locks, as he still caught the small sniffs.

The raven gave the pinky an apologetic look. She nodded in understanding only to smile softly, and lift to her feet.

"Call for me, if you worry about him, or go with him to Tsunade." She whispered with concern.

Sasuke nodded with a appreciated smile.

"I promise." He swore.

Sakura took her leave deep in her heart not wanting to leave the blonds side, but she knew he was in good hands. With a struggled sigh she left their home.

The raven glanced down at his weeping blond. He slowly retracted away his orbs falling over his tender blond. Naruto lifted his head exposing his drenched orbs that were slowly easing away.

"S-sorry." Naruto apologized softly.

Sasuke lifted his hand to brush it against his cheek.

"For?" He asked gently.

Naruto averted his orbs to bit his lip in nervousness.

"K-kurama told me some news that I can't stop hearing." Naruto confessed.

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