Chapter 21

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Hey, loves next chapter!💙🧡

That night felt like the longest night Sasuke had ever experienced.

He couldn’t sleep, no matter how much he tired.

He was paranoid, and alert, his mind kept re-tracking at the vision, and he couldn’t help, but think if that vision was a warning or a vision. Despite him, and Naruto going over their plan he couldn’t decide whether, or not his blond was lying. The fact that exactly at midnight Naruto snuck out of their bed, and their home.

'Forget this!'

Sasuke tossed the sheets off of him to sit up he ran his finger though his hair in distress, as he heavily sighed.

'Naruto where did you go?'

Sasuke stood up deciding to wait for the blond till he came, and question him. That horrible feeling of knowing he should trust his partner was eating at him, along with the vision. He walked out of their room over to the kitchen, where he decided to make a cup of tea. Sasuke boiled some water then placed the tea bag in the cup, before pouring the water.

Grasping the cup with his tender fingers he walked over to the couch to sit down, and wait for his blond. He took a sip from his cup his mind comprehending on what he should do, but just like that a light bulb struck his head. He quickly placed his cup on his coffetable, before running over to his room. He scrambled for a scroll only to find a blank one, and choose the smallest ones he could find.

He grabbed a pen to sit on the floor, and began to write, his blood pumped, as he was scared his blond would enter, and catch him. He rolled up the scroll to then summon Aoda. His dark blue scaled snake appeared small enough to curl on the ravens palm. Sasuke lowered his hand for Aoda to slither on.

"Aoda." Sasuke greeted.

"Yes master Sasuke." The snake slurred.

"I need you to take this to Sunagakure, and deliver this to Gaara." Sasuke ordered in a low whisper.

Aoda nodded, as he was placed down, and Sasuke tied the scroll to his body.

"Please, get there, as soon as possible, and don’t let a lot of people see you." Sasuke added.

The snake nodded again only to slither towards their wind, and slip through the crack. Sasuke sighed seeing the end of Aoda's tail disappear, he anxiously ran his fingers through his hair. He would of sent his hawk, but that would of brought a lot of attention to them.

"Hopefully, that works." Sasuke sighed to then walk back over to his couch.


Sasuke sat down taking his tea, as his eyes fell over the door that unlocked. The door creaked open, where Naruto quietly walked in he shut the door behind him to turn around, and find his lover seated on the couch with his arms folded over his chest.

"Sasuke?" Naruto called softly, as he slipped off his sandals.

"Where were you?" Sasuke questioned.

Naruto sighed heavily to hang his keys on the hook against the door.

"I couldn’t sleep so I went for a walk." Naruto confessed walking over to his raven to sit next to him.

"Plus, I'm paranoid with the fact you already knew everything, so going for that walk I was just trying to see if they would randomly meet up with me, but they didn’t."

Naruto sunk against the couch to then place his hands over his eyes.

"Them not meeting with me, meant they weren't watching us when we were talking about the plan." he whispered.

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