Chapter 23

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Hey, loves good morning!!! Gosh I freaking love this chapter and hopefully you loves will like it too!!!

"Good, now put the gloves, and cloak on we are leaving now."

Naruto sighed hearing those words. He walked over to the coffetable to snatch the cloak, and gloves he slipped the cloak over his head to pick up the hood, then slipped the gloves on. He stayed quiet even when  Uragirimono made the flattering joke of the blond looking good in his knew clothing.

"Now, you will do everything I say got it?" He sternly stated.

Naruto didn't even flinch even presented with a katana the blade pressing against his neck.

"Yes sir." Naruto hissed.

Uragirimono chuckled only to wave his katana around.

"Good fox now lets go."

He walked over to the window where he jumped out followed by the blond. Naruto was about to follow, but gave one last look at his home, before turning away to follow the figure. They hopped  upon houses, and buildings, and by the path Naruto knew they were going to the hokages tower. Naruto followed only to stop behind the male who stopped three buildings away.

Naruto only watched, as Uragirimono whispered to his bird, before letting it go the bird flew to the tower to land by the window. He squawked, and walked around before tapping three times on the window, before jumping to fly back to their owner. The bird landed on the figures shoulder, as the window to the hokages tower snapped open. Naruto watched, as he knew the person jumping towards them with Hir.

The dread he felt was consuming him, but on the bright side of this, all he had to worry about was Gaara. His baa-chan, and lover were no longer in trouble. Hir landed before them in the same clothing.

"You were supposed to be waiting outside!"  Uragirimono hissed.

Hir only turned to look at his leader to just silently stare.  Uragirimono sighed heavily he shook his head in distress.

"The men at Suna are ready right?' He asked Hiroto.

Hiroto nodded to pull out a scroll from his pouch gesturing it to his leader.

"Good, now let's go."

With that order they followed, Naruto wondered what Hiroto connection was with the leader, or who they were anyways. All he knew they were bad, and wanted him, and Gaara. Naruto could only guess what their goal was, the council men had told him, before he went on his mission that these men were trying to be like Akatsuki, or trying to revive them.

Naruto had managed to take a few down, but he was captured, and tortured. Not only did that happen, it basically didn't matter for one the council men tried to execute him, followed by well now his problem. Everything would have been easier, if the council men never decided one person was enough, and the fact they wanted them delivered back to their village to be arrested.

Naruto's thoughts were running, and running trying to find a piece he could take to his advantage he was such on a poliet mode, he hadn't noticed they just snuck out of his village. He stopped on a branch to gaze back only for a second, before he continued to follow.


Naruto halted, as the other two stopped as well.

"It takes three days to get to Suna just the speed we are going. I know you are faster, get us there quickly."

Naruto complied switching into his Kurama form, his right yellow chakra flamed around him, before lifting up the two over his shoulders, and speeding away.

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