Chapter 29

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Hi my loves I just want to deeply apologize for the super long wait for this book. If you're back and reading you don't know how much it means to me honestly. For those that comment re-reading it makes me so happy. For a recap the story right now is about Sasukes pregnancy he's currently two weeks. Thank you my loves I hope everyone is doing okay ❤️❤️

"Menma, and Akihiko?" Naruto asked confirming the names they had taken a while to decide on.

They were both seated on their couch resting against the soft cushions Naruto was more laid back, as Sasuke rested against his chest. A loving smile curled Sasuke's lips he was more than overjoyed. Naruto pulled his lover closer his hand sliding falling over Sasuke's small bump.

"We're both are finally having the family we desired our family." Naruto cooed brushing his nose cutely against Sasuke's cheek.

"Hn." Sasuke hummed softly.

His eyes softened he turned those ebony eyes Naruto adored fell over his blue ones.

"But." Sasuke started.

Sasuke lifted a hand to cup his blond cheek his thumb tracing his whiskered marks.

"Even though his was our dream our sons, or not I would of wanted to be with you to the end. We could of still had a family we could of adopted." 

"Sasuke." Naruto called shocked his eyes softening at his raven.

Naruto lowered towards his raven their noses brushing only for Sasuke to halt the blond by placing his hand upon Naruto's lips.

"Don't give me that look, remember you once gave up on your dream of being hokage to go after me knowing we both could of died you still came after me. Even said you'd die with me. Being with you is more than a dream come true."

Naruto enveloped Sasuke into a kiss that melted his heart. It was a soft loving kiss that Sasuke smiled against. Sasuke parted from his blond Sasuke's eyes softening at the visible tears from his lovers blue eyes trickling down his cheeks.

"Naru." Sasuke called softly.

Naruto rested his forehead against his lovers. Sasuke had no idea how even though Naruto told him time, and time again he wanted to be with him. That reassurance always brought him to feel at ease.

"I love you so much." Naruto whispered.

"Hn, I love you just as much."

A sweet smile curled their lips happily Naruto brushed his nose against the ravens cutely.

"As much, as I would like to cuddle, and kiss you we have a date to go to." Naruto mentioned.

Sasuke smiled, but he cuddled against his blonds chest more.

"You didn't have to I'm completely fine with just eating here at home with you." Sasuke cooed.

Naruto's heart fluttered hearing Sasuke's words. The warmth he felt from the raven almost made him crumble, but if it wasn't for the surprise he had tucked away he would of caved.

"Now, come on love I need to take you out once in a while, but please for this one agree.......I've been planning it." Naruto cooed with his bright blue eyes.

Sasuke could never say no to his blond especially when he asked with that puppy look. With a smile he caved nodding.

"Good, now lets get dressed."

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