Chapter 3

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Hello, my gorgeous readers here is the next chapter. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter🧡💙. Please comment, and vote I will gladly appreciate it💙🧡. Naruto and images don't belong to me. Please enjoy🧡💙.

Sasuke spent the next month recovering from his two month coma, he stayed home training his legs and arms, and regaining some muscle. It was almost amazing on how much he lost in two months, almost twenty pounds along with muscle. He recovered eating more and exercising regularly, as his blond best friend his only motivation. Within that moment he was ready to go Tsunade made him fight a anbu black op to see, if he was stable, but it turned out he took down the top rank anbu under a second. Even, after that the hokage still questioned him if he was alright, and emotionally stable as well. Of course he replied with a yes automatically he wasn’t going to allow anything or anyone to get in the way of him finding his blond best friend. He was constantly on missions looking, and asking every single village or person he saw, of his best friend. He kept with him a picture they took after his reunion with his team. He explained who he was and how he looked even though he showed whatever person or village the image. They always said no, and even said they never saw him once. The raven would always tell them, if they would see a single glimpse of him, or suspected if they saw him then they were to inform a shinobi, if they weren't one to contact the leaf village. Each passing day went by, and now he was forced to head home to inform the hokage of his mission. Tsunade only allowed the raven out for two weeks on a mission nothing more, knowing that if she did he would never come back, until he brought the blond home. Of, course he had to comply, if he didn’t he would be banned from the mission he would break their deal.

He jumped from every tree branch to quickly make it home, so tomorrow he could take off once again. Everyday that went by that the raven didn’t even hear a clue from the blond, which was making him panic. The two months Narutos been missing plus the two unconscious months in the hospital together with the month he was recovering, now he added the two weeks he was away. His heart cramped knowing in one more week Naruto his beloved best friend will be missing for six months now. He was tired of his aching heart, he just wanted to see those bright, soft blond locks, along with those bright shimmering crystal eyes making his warm smile glisten. He cursed himself for already missing the blond, so much. He shouldn’t be complain about seeing the blond again, when Naruto went three years without him. If, Naruto felt the way he was feeling then he didn’t understand how he didn’t go crazy. His mind was already racing when its only been six months.

His feet landed on the floor with a silent thud. He glanced at the gates to his home, before he entered to be checked by the anbus who were on watch.  He made his way to the hoakges towel noticing the sun was already disappearing.

"Sasuke!" He heard a familiar voice call.

He turned to see his pink haired teammate running after him.

"Anything?" She asked with a hopeful glow in her eyes, once she was at a close range from the raven.

He knew what the question meant, but shook his head, as his answer. The raven saw that shimmer disappear, instantly like a candle flame being blown out.

"Any news from the others? Gaara?" Sasuke question with a calm voice, but through the inside he was desperate just at least for a hint, even if it was the smallest of them all.

"Nothing." She said softly casting her eyes down to the floor. The raven didn’t know what to say he bet neither did his teammate, their was nothing they could say to each other to kill the pain and worry in their hearts other then news about him.

"I have to go Sakura, it was one of Tsunades rules that to inform her, instantly when I would arrive back." He informed.

The pinkette nodded, before biding her farewell, in all honesty she felt completely unless in the search for her blond best friend. She wasn’t allowed to leave due to her being Tsunades right hand in the hospital.

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