Chapter 15

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Hey, loves here is the next chapter in hope you loves enjoy it!!💙🧡

Naruto followed Sasuke into the living room. He caught the raven gazing around their home.

Naruto pulled his arms over his head to stretch his body. He winced lightly at the tension in his upper shoulders. He wasn’t one to be angry ever, he was more of someone that would put light into a dark situation. So just form be angry, or depressed really tolled on his body.

If, he was depressed he would feel sluggish, and unmotivated the whole day, which did not work for an unpredictable ninja. He would try his best to snap out of it. If, he was upset or stress he would get the tight cramp pain on his upper shoulders.

Having Kou over for such a wonderful morning note sarcasm, already sent tight nerves in that area.

"I think I'm going to head out to run." Naruto mentioned.

Sasuke glance over his shoulder giving a nod.

"I'll use that time to clean up a bit." Sasuke confessed.

Naruto orbs gazed around the place seeing as neat as it is. He hesitated to ask, but was cut off.

"Don't you dare ask." Sasuke warned with a stern finger.

Naruto held his hands up surrendering, and backing off. With a sigh Sasuke walked over to the curtain opening them slightly.

"Just really take a look."

Naruto blinked only to study his surrounding his eyes widen, once a ray from the sun bighting the room, and he couldn't believe the tiny speck of dust that were already forming.

"How the hell!?" Naruto asked astonished.

Sasuke chuckled softly.

"Dust is anywhere, you name it, it's something that always going to appear, and you don’t take care of it, it's just going to be a handful, once you try, plus if it keeps lying around you can get sick often just from the particulars stuffing up your nose." Sasuke informed.

Naruto hummed grasping the knowledge.

"Do you want me to help?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke shook his head.

"I rather torture you some other way." He smirked.

"Plus, this is more of my lane." He confessed.

Naruto playfully rolled his orbs, yet a grin spiked his lips.

"Such a smart housewife."

Naruto bolted towards their room, before he could get wacked with the wooden spoon that Sasuke magically manifested into his hand.

Sasuke grumbled under his breath, as he stomped away to gather cleaning supplies that were under their sink. In a couple of minutes, while gathering a small rag, and a bunch of disinfecting spray, and furniture cleaner. The raven heard the blonds soft footsteps, only to turn, and his eyes to be mesmerized by the blond. Naruto wore an orange muscle shirt that tightly hugged his bold chest, and slim waist. The shirt hugged his waist tightly that it traced part of his abs exposing them. The orange muscle shirt went well with the blonds black joggers.

Sasuke averted his gaze away, before his blond could catch him ogling over him. He couldn’t help it the tease of that outfit was for sure going to be eye-catching, and attention seeking, but he knew Naruto wasn't like that he just wore what was comfortable to him, yet because of his defined body he was going to be catching a couple of astonished glances.

"I'm heading out." Naruto informed.

Sasuke struggled to peer at his blond due to his cheeks that wouldn't cool down. With a light beautiful tint to his cheeks, and nose he face his blond only to nod. Naruto wanted to crack a laugh at how tense, and focused his raven was.

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