The Golden Girl (1)

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    "If I could describe happiness to you                                   I wouldn't choose words

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    "If I could describe happiness to you
                                   I wouldn't choose words."

-Alexandra Vasiliu

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The boy turned his head as soon as he heard the dulcet sound of Lyras laugh. It was the sound he had craved to hear all summer. Her melodious voice cut through the thick morning air, her giggles bouncing off of every dew covered blade of glass. He saw Ron and Hermione grin at the laughter as well.

It was the morning of the Quidditch world cup, and since the Malfoy Manor was just a field away from the burrow, Lyra had decided that she would stay with the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione rather then go with her family.

Harrys head whipped around, searching for his best friend. When he saw her it was as if the sun had just come out, and the clouds had parted. Her silver eyes glistened, looking shocking against her black wavy hair. It had gotten longer since last time he'd seen her. A halo of light seemed to be floating around her head, as Harry continued to stand, speechless, gazing at her longingly. Longing to run his fingers through her hair, longing to hold her in his arms- then, a familiar cold voice snapped him out of his trance.

"Potter." Draco said chillingly, the usual amount of hostility in his voice was toned down a bit for his twins sake. Looking at the two standing next to each other, you wouldn't assume they were twins, Merlin, you wouldn't even assume they were related. If it wasn't for their identical grey eyes, they would have nothing in common. Many people assumed that Lyra was adopted into the Malfoy family, but do the Malfoys really seem like the type to adopt? - Draco and Lyra were heteropaternal twins. When the twins were conceived, Narcissa was having an affair. It was a quite the scandal in the wizarding world, but Lucius had surprisingly gotten over it, as long as Lyra was a pure blooded witch, she could live under his roof. That didn't mean that he was a father to the girl, it took Narcissa forever to convince him to even let the girl take Malfoy as a last name. The identity of Lyras biological father is unknown to all, except Lucius and Narcissa.

"Ly..." Harry said softly, ignoring Draco, who was looking at Lyra protectively. The girl ran up and embraced Harry. Whispering into his hair an un-characteristically shy, "I missed you." In that moment for Harry, everything was right in the world. He planted a kiss on her head, her hair smelling of roses and coconut from her shampoo.  As soon as he released her, Lyra was bombarded by Hermione and the Weasley kids, desperate to talk to their friend after not having seen her all summer.

Harry noticed Draco hanging back, looking at him wearily. "Lyra didn't mention you would be coming along too..." Harry awkwardly mentioned to his school rival, as both boys stood stiffly watching Lyra as she gracefully moved around greeting everyone.

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