Jealousy & Fear (27)

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Let it out

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Let it out.


Lyra and Hermione sat in Lyra's room together, discussing the upcoming OWLs. The OWLs were the Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations. Every fifth year has to take them and they determine which classes you can continue to take and even what jobs you may get in the future.

They were discussing common theories on the potions exam when Lyra's owl began tapping on the window.

"Delphi" Lyra said, opening the cracked window wider so —- could get in.

There were two envelopes tied around her foot.

"The book lists!" Hermione screamed, excitedly tearing at Delphis ankle and passing Lyra her letter.

Lyra scanned her schedule and her book list, complete with her NEWT transfiguration books.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!" Hermione shrieked.

"What?!" Lyra said turning around, although she thought she knew what it was about. Fifth year is when prefects were selected. She was sure Hermione would be chosen.

"IM A PREFECT IM A PREFECT" Hermione jumped up and down and Lyra joined her, throwing her arms around her best friend.

"I knew it!!!" Lyra shouted gleefully, "I'm so so proud of you!" Lyra knew this is something her friend had wanted ever since they had arrived at Hogwarts.

The two girls raced across the hall to Harry and Ron's room and opened the door to find Harry holding a shiny gold prefects badge.

"Oh harry!!!" Hermione yelled, "Me too!! I knew you were going to get it! I knew it!"

"N- no." Harry stammered, "Not me. Ron." He handed Ron the shiny badge.

"Ohh..." Hermione said, shock evident on her face.

"Why are you so surprised?" Ron said, immediately getting defensive.

"I was just-" Hermione cut off, clearly not knowing what to say next.

"I'm so proud of you Ronnie!!"  Lyra said, trying to take the attention away from Hermione, and make ron feel a little better.

Lyra hugged Ron and danced around him.

"Lyra you look like an idiot." Ron said, slightly laughing.

"I'm gonna go tell Ginny!" Hermione said excitedly, rushing out of the room.

"I'm just proud of you!" Lyra said to Ron, done with her little dance.

With a loud crack Fred and George apperated into the room.

"What's all this commotion about?" George said, as both him and Fred each put an arm over Lyra's shoulder.

Ron shook his head slightly at Lyra so she stayed silent.

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