The Darkness Ahead (45)

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Lyra felt like the world was moving in slow motion.

She almost fell to her knees, but was caught by Sirius before she hit the ground.

Dora, Nymphadora Tonks, was gone, forever.

Tears stung Lyra's cheeks before she could even process the thoughts in her head.

The fiery adrenaline that ran through her blood moments before turned to ice.

Lyra picked herself up, she felt her hands wipe the tears from her face, her expression hardening.

She watched as Harry ran after Bellatrix who was screaming and cackling, "I killed Dora Tonks! I killed Nymphadora Tonks!"

Hearing her use HER nick-name for Nymphadora  made Lyra's stomach ball itself into knots.

She began to walk after them at a steady pace, brushing Sirius's hand off her shoulder, and elbowing Lupin out of the way with another glance.

All around her the battle continued to rage, the world kept turning, even though her best friend wasn't in it.

As Lyra caught up to Harry and Bellatrix they were entering the lobby of the ministry of magic.

"Crucio!" She heard Harry yell, trying his hand at an unforgivable curse.

Bellatrix just fell to the ground, not showing any signs of being hit by the curse.

"That's the thing about the unforgivable curses, Potter: You have to mean it!"

"Like this." Lyra said, her eyes colder and more dim than Harry had ever seen them. "Crucio."

Bellatrix was so shocked by the sudden appearance of her niece, she didn't have time to draw her wand.

Bellatrix screamed in agony, her face and body contorting awkwardly.

Harry watched as the life drained from Lyra's eyes, her soul being corrupted by this most recent damage.

Lyra lowered her wand abruptly, shivering heavily.

A moment later, Harry felt the same chill run down his spine, then a cold snake like voice rang through the hall.

"I didn't expect that from you... Lyra Malfoy."

Lyra knew that voice.

It was Voldemort.

"It's Black." She responded, using all the strength she could muster to keep her voice from shaking, "My name is Lyra Black."

The haunting voice, just laughed darkly.

"Harry Potter," The voice spoke again, Lyra ran to Harry, pushing him behind her as a dark figure appeared before them.

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