Letters Unread(24)

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My darling,all I want is to be your moon,and show you all the little stars of my heart

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My darling,
all I want is to be your moon,
and show you all the little stars of my heart.
-Alexandra Vasiliu


It felt as if the world was on fire and the stars were falling from the sky. It seemed like the sun had both burned and exploded into a million tiny pieces all at once.

The first thing Harry felt, was relief, then anger, then sadness.

Lyra was okay. Lyra was alive. Lyra was safe.

Lyra hadn't written all summer. She had promised. She never breaks promises.

There was no sparkle in her eyes. She was at least ten pounds thinner. Lyra didnt look like Lyra.

But she's still the most beautiful thing i've ever seen... huh?

Harry... Lyra thought.

She felt rage, unbridled rage.

She was hurt; and Lyra absolutely hated getting her feelings hurt.

He's unharmed, that's good.

He's gotten so tall.

He didn't write to me.

I want to hit him.

I want to kiss him- What?!

Without thinking, both Lyra and Harry rushed at one another. Each holding the other as tight as they could manage.

Then after a minute, Lyra pushed away.

"You-" she pushed him in the chest, "absolute-" push, "fucking-" shove, "GIT!"

"Me?!" Harry started on her, "You're mad at me?!"

"Yes! Im mad at YOU!" She pointed at Harry's chest.

Ron and Hermione sat on Ron's bed, listening to the two scream at the top of their lungs, neither of them hearing anything the other was saying.

The two watched their best friends yell for a minute or two, guilt etched clearly on their faces. Both looking slightly afraid as the paintings and bed framed began to shake as Lyra's anger increased.

"YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE-" Harry shouted.

At the same time Lyra screamed, "I NEEDED YOU-"

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