Aftermath (46)

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and it's four am again, and i'm doing nothing,

The next few days passed Lyra by.

Class was over, and even if it wasn't Lyra wouldn't be going.

None of her friends seemed to want to let her be alone for more than twenty minutes.

Lyra had exited the bathroom after a particularly long shower to come face to face with Hermione and Ginny.

"Hey.." she paused, "What are you doing?" she said slowly, slight concern at her friends odd behavior.

"Oh... Nothing!!" Hermione said, "Just seeing if you wanted to come down to breakfast?"

"Yeah uhm, I guess so."

A few days later Lyra had sat down by the lake, opening her bag and pulling out the supplies she needed.

She began pouring muggle weed into a small paper, expertly packing the paper and rolling it tightly.

As she licked one side, she heard footsteps behind her.

It was Draco.

"Hi, Ra," he said, smirking a bit when he saw what she was doing, "You know you're probably going to get in trouble for that." He pointed to the joint she now held between her lips.

She lifted her wand, lighting the tip.

She took a long drag and blew it out before speaking, "I don't really care." she said plainly.

"I know you don't." Draco sat down next to her.

"Our birthday is in two days." she said to her twin.

"It is." He looked down at the bag she had sat next to her.

It was a satchel with "Nymphadora Tonks" seared into the leather on the front.

"Do you want to talk about it."

Lyra took another long drag.

"Not really."

"You should, Ra."

She just shook her head.

She didn't think there was any point in talking about it. Talking about it wasn't going to make her feel any better.

It wasn't going to bring her back.

Before Draco could speak again, Lyra said, "This is just what the universe had planned I guess."

"I know it hurts..."

Sometimes, Lyra thought.

But then again, sometimes Lyra found herself feeling nothing at all.


Lyra found herself stoned at the end of year feast.

She sat with an empty plate in front of her, as her friends dug in all around her.

She felt a hand on her shoulder.

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