Alone, again (23)

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Some things never change

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Some things never change


Lyra was, for lack of better words: Pissed as fuck.

She glared at the paintings on the walls, causing them to shake on their hooks and she rarely ate anything; in her time in the house she had lost a significant amount of weight. Dark bags under her eyes signifying her lack of good sleep.

She had moved in three weeks before, and the Weasleys and Hermione two weeks after her.

Although they were under strict orders from Dumbledore to not to write anything important to Harry, of course, Lyra, being Lyra, ignored those orders.

She had kept her promise, she wrote to Harry every single day. To her dismay, she had not received a single letter in response.

Ron and Hermione had both been getting letters from Harry, demanding information, but when it came to Lyra, her owl would come back carrying nothing but a dead mouse.

She spent most of her time in her late great aunts room with Sirius and Buckbeak. Sirius was rather moody himself these days so they found solitude and comfort in sitting with each other.

They rarely talked, until the one day she had broken down in tears because it was a whole month without receiving any news or messages from Harry.

Lyra felt an emptiness inside that she had never felt before. Every summer since first year, she and Harry would write to each-other frequently, the sudden change was jarring. So many little things happened in her days and she wrote them all in her letters, but she received no reply.

She felt more alone than she ever had, she had always had Draco, and when she didn't she had Nymphadora, Hermione, Ron, and her best friend; a bond that she never thought would be strained to this point, Harry.


One evening Lyra was storming around the her bed room as usual when she heard a gasp come from the kitchen. She peaked
her head out of the door and saw that across the hall, Ron and Hermione had paused their game of wizards chess to find the source of the voice as well as well.

There was now the undeniable sound of Mrs. Weasleys voice sounding outraged and saying something the likes of "Madness.....-Fudge....."

The three teens slowly looked at one another and nodded. They all knew that had to tread lightly, they ask one wrong question and they'd be denied any answers.

As they approached the kitchen they jumped, hearing Sirius let out a roar of outrage.


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