Unsaid (22)

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There is nothing worse than words left unsaid

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There is nothing worse than words left unsaid.


The golden four, plus Draco and Ginny, were sitting in their own compartment on the Hogwarts express.

"Lyra can we talk in private for a minute?"


The twins walked out into the corridor.

"You cant come back to the Manor this summer." Draco said bluntly.

"What- What do you mean? Where am I supposed to go? Draco I don't understand."

She had never truly felt at home at the Malfoy manor, but she didn't know why she couldn't return like she did every summer.

"The Dark Lord Lyra. Mum wrote to me, she said he's staying at the Manor. He- he knows you're friends with Potter."

"Draco..." Lyra said, tears streaming down her face. "What about you?"

"I'll be fine." Lyra could see that he was putting in a brave face for her, "Promise me you'll be safe." He said to her, gathering his twin into his arms.

"Only if you promise me." She replied.



On the platform, Lyra gave her brother one last tight hug, and then went to say goodbye to her friends. Lyra would be going with Dora for the beginning of the summer, before they were to move somewhere... Draco didn't have the finer details, but he assured her it would all be fine.

Lyra hugged Hermione extra tight and whispered an "I'll see you soon, Love you mione." Before hugging every one of the wesley's and saying goodbye to them, Molly assured her that they would see her sooner than she knew.

Her last goodbye was one to Harry James Potter.

She walked up to him, a small sad smile on her face. And before she could say anything, he grabbed her in the tightest hug she had ever felt.

"I'm gonna miss you Harry." Lyra said in his ear.

"Write me?" Harry asked.

"Every single day."

Lyra left with Dora and Harry with his aunt and uncle, and about a million words were left unsaid.


Ik this is super duper short but i'm back bitches. and I'm ready for 5th year.

Much love.

word count: 345

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