Fate in motion (36)

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The right path is often times harder to follow

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The right path is often times harder to follow


The Christmas spirit that would usually be flowing through the castle at this point, but the Christmas vibes were being killed by Umbridge.

Professor Trelawny had been sacked. There was a big scene in front of most of the students. Professor Trelawny had cried and begged to keep her job, until Dumbledore stepped in, allowing her to continue to live at Hogwarts.

Since then, her position had been filled by a centaur named Firenze. Harry and Lyra had met him before, in their first year. They were serving detention in the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid, and they had gotten lost. Firenze had kindly saved them, and allowed them both to ride on his back to safety.

Lyra had taken a moment to stop by and visit his classroom before her first divination class with him.

"Miss Lyra Malfoy," He said as she walked through the open door.

The classroom had be transformed into a forest like area. The floor was covered by moss and gravel, trees sprouted from the ground.

The ceiling was bewitched to look like the sky, like the great hall.

"It is good to see you." He continued.

"And you." she replied, "Hagrid's told me taking this job has gotten you into some trouble with your herd, I'm sorry."

"It's alright," he said, his hand brushing the ghost of a hoof print bruised on his chest, "I will not make apologies for helping Dumbledore."

Lyra nodded, looking up at the faint stars above her.

"Are you in need of assistance?"

"Yes, erm," she said, "I feel something bad coming."

"History is repeating itself." he replied simply.

"Yes, but not about Voldemort." she started, "It feels more personal than that, ever since Voldemort returned, i've felt him breathing down my neck. I've always assumed it was because I'm so close to Harry." she sighed, "This is different. It feels more apparent now, it feels like something bad is going to happen, and i'm going to feel it." she paused again, the centaur just waited for her to continue, "I can't describe it, but this feeling just keeps growing."

"The gift of the sight is a powerful thing, Miss Malfoy."

"Call me Lyra, please sir, I don't fancy my last name much."

"Lyra, you may not see things that are ahead of you, but you can feel them. There are many things that are written in the stars about you, your friends and your family. I read these things long ago, but now the time is upon us. I cannot see exactly why you are feeling this way, but trust that feeling."

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