The Second Task (19)

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All that you are is all ill ever need

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All that you are is all ill ever need

-Ed Sheeran


Lyra gasped for air, she was treading water. She whipped around wildly, searching.

"Harry", she said, seeing the dark haired boy swimming next to her.

"Help me with her." Harry said, gesturing to the small blonde haired girl who was struggling to swim.

The three of them swam onto the platform near shore where Madam Pomphrey was treating the champions and hostages.

Lyra, Harry and Gabrielle were smothered with blankets and warming potions as soon as they got up on the platform.

Dumbledore was over by the shore, communicating with the mer-chiefteness in mermish.

"You did it!" Hermione said to Harry, drawing him in for a quick hug, "you figured it out!"

"Found that gillyweed all by yourself did you?" Said Lyra, a knowing smirk on her face.

Before she had been put in an induced sleep, she had a long conversation with Neville Longbottom about a new book he was reading.

Neville had mentioned gillyweed and it's effects so Lyra had sent Dobby the house elf to find some and bring it to Harry. She had been on her way to tell the bespectacled boy when Fred and George had sent her to Professor McGonagall's office.

"Yeah," Harry lied, a confused smile on his lips, "As a matter of fact I did."

Then Lyra saw that the boy was looking at Karkaroff, who was watching them and no doubt trying to listen to their conversation.

"A conference, before the scoring I think." Dumbledore announced, the judges huddling together.

"Ra!" Draco called, jumping down from another platform.

"Are you okay? I couldn't find you before and then I worked out what the champions were searching for and I was worried sick!" The words spilled out of his mouth and he grabbed his sister and drew her into a tight hug.

"I'm alright Dra, I promise." Lyra replied hugging her brother back. It had felt like ages since they had time to talk. She had missed him.

"You have a water beetle in your hair Hermionene." Lyra heard Krum say to Hermione.

Fleur walked over to Harry, "You saved er!" she said, "even though she was not yours to save!"

"Yeah." Harry deadpanned, clearly regretting this decision as he had returned last and well outside of the time frame.

Fleur kissed Harry on both of his cheeks, Lyra felt her chest tighten.

Draco looked at his sister, seeing the look in her eyes he smirked. There was a fire blazing within her grey eyes. She's jealous. He thought to himself.

"Zank you." Fleur finished, waltzing back over to where Gabrielle stood.

Some form of rage was flooding through Lyra's veins, and yet she couldn't pinpoint why. 

"The scores for the champions have been determined!" Announced Ludo Bagman.

He started with fleur, "Miss Delacour used a bubble head charm, but unfortunately she was unable to make it past the grindylows, and unable to retrieve her hostage. We will be awarding her 25 Points."

Polite applause rang through the stadium.

"I deserve Zero." Fleur said dramatically, causing Lyra to roll her eyes.

"Mr. Diggory also used a bubble head charm, and returned his hostage safely, however he returned out of the time limit, therefore he will be awarding him 47 points."

The Hufflepuffs in the stands went wild, clapping and cheering for their housemate.

"Mr. Krum used an incomplete form of transfiguration, He returned with his hostage second, we award him 40 points."

"As for Mr. Potter, despite his late return, most of the judges have decided that his determination to return all hostages shows moral fiber. Therefore we award Mr. Potter, 45 points."

Lyra was practically beaming as she threw her arms around Harry in celebration.

"Doing the right thing is always worth it." She whispered to him.

They pulled apart, looking at each other with such joy, and such relief.

"You're tied with Cedric for first Harry!" Hermione called. Krum looking less than happy with Hermione's attention on Harry.

The atmosphere around the champions was vivacious.


The golden four made their way to Hagrids. Hermione, Lyra and Harry still bundled in towels.

They walked through the forest with Hagrid. Reminiscing about when they had all met four years before.

"Guys!" Harry called from far up ahead. Lyra could hear the fear and panic in his voice.

They all ran up to meet him.

There, on the forest floor, lay the body of Barty crouch.

"Blimey." Ron said. The air around the four of them suddenly felt cold and thick

"Get back to the castle you four." Hagrid called, clearly as frightened as the rest of them, "someone get Professor Dumbledore!"


Harry and Lyra sprinted down the halls of the castle to Professor Dumbledore's office. Portraits hollered at them to slow down as they ran flat out towards the gargoyles guarding the spiral staircase.

"L- Licorice Snaps,"  Lyra panted when they made it. Harry and Lyra ran up the stairs and without knocking, burst into the office.

Inside stood Professors Snape, McGonagall and Moody, deep in discussion with professor Dumbledore.

"Professor," Harry said breathlessly, "It's- It's" He couldn't seem to get the words out.

"It's Barty Crouch sir." Lyra finished for him, "We found him, uhm- er well his body rather."  she paused. "he's dead."

The professors stood silently, looking shocked. The room was suddenly ice cold.

"We we're with Hagrid," Harry continued, "we were just walking and he was- he was just there."


Lyra and Harry sat in two plush chairs across from Dumbledores desk. The professors still had not returned after they had all rushed off into the forest to find Hagrid.

Neither of them had spoken since they had explained what happened. Harry was the first to break the silence.

"Are you okay, Ly?"

"Just a little shaken up." she sighed, "You?"

"I've been worse." He replied.

They looked at each other for a moment, then simultaneously stood up. They threw their arms around each other, each trying to hold the other tighter.

"This year has been crazy." Harry said into her hair.

"Every year is crazy Haz." she laughed.

"Just keeps getting-"

Then they heard footsteps coming up the spiral staircase and they broke apart.

This time, after Harry took his seat, Lyra sat herself down on the arm of Harry's chair.


word count: 1075

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